

作者: 阁香书院 | 来源:发表于2020-09-25 17:10 被阅读0次


    One calm, bright, sunshiny day, an angel slipped out of heaven and came down to this world and roamed(漫步) field and forest, city and hamlet(小村庄) .


    Just as the sun was setting, he spread his wings and said: “Now my visit is over and I must go back to the world of light. But before I go, I would like to take along some mementos (纪念品)of my visit here.”


    He noticed a beautiful flower garden and said: “How lovely and fragrant(芳香的) these flowers are. He plucked(摘) the rarest and most beautiful roses and made a bouquet and said: “I see nothing more beautiful and fragrant than these; I will take them back to heaven with me.”

    他发现一座漂亮的花园,他说道:“这些花儿是多么美丽而芳香啊!” 于是,他采摘了一束最为稀有而美丽的玫瑰并说:“我还从未见过比这些更美丽,更芳香的花儿呢。我要让它们和我一起去天堂。”

    Looking on a little further, he saw a bright-eyed baby, smiling into its mother’s face. And he said: “Oh, that baby’s smile is even prettier than this bouquet of roses; I will take that, too!”

    他接着又看向不远处,看到一个男孩,他有着一双明亮的眼睛,正朝着他的母亲微笑。 这时他说道:“哦!那个小孩儿的微笑的美远胜过这束玫瑰,我也要将它带回天堂!”

    Then he looked just beyond the cradle(摇篮) and there was a mother’s love pouring out like the gush of a river toward the cradle and the baby. And he said to himself: “Oh, that mother’s love is the prettiest(最美丽的) thing I have seen on earth; I will carry that, too.”

    就在此时,他又瞥了一眼摇篮的旁边,他看见那小孩妈妈的爱源源不断地涌向孩子和摇篮,如河流一般。 于是他自言自语道:“哦!母爱是我在人间见识到的最美好的事物,我也要将它带回天堂。”

    With the three treasures he winged his way back to heaven. When he got outside the pearly gates, he decided to examine his mementos(纪念品). He looked at the flowers and they had wilted(枯萎). He looked at the baby’s smile and it had faded.

    就在此时,他又瞥了一眼摇篮的旁边,他看见那小孩妈妈的爱源源不断地涌向孩子和摇篮,如河流一般。 于是他自言自语道:“哦!母爱是我在人间见识到的最美好的事物,我也要将它带回天堂。”

    He looked at the mother’s love and it was still there in all its warmth and in all its pristine (质朴的)beauty. He threw aside the wilted flowers and the faded smile,and winged his way through the gates.

    他又看了一眼妈妈的爱,妈妈的爱依然存在,一如当初那么温暖、质朴而美丽。 天使将枯萎的花朵和消逝的微笑丢弃了,展翅飞入了天堂。

    He led all the hosts of heaven together and said: “Here is the only thing I found on earth that would keep its beauty all the way to heaven... It is a Mother’s Love.”





