

作者: 阁香书院 | 来源:发表于2019-11-27 12:11 被阅读0次


This was a story about a mountaineer(登山家). He joined in a mountaineering team to climb mountains. In order to be the first one to reach the destination and enjoy the glory of being number one, he went to climb the mountain alone with the other climbers were sleeping.


The mountain was high and the night was pitch-dark(漆黑的); obviously, mountaineering at night was a foolish decision. But by the virtue of(借助于) skills and courage, he still kept climbing.


When he almost reached the summit, he fell down speedily, his feet slipping. At such an extremely bloodcurdling(令人毛骨悚然的) moment, all the painful and happy memories in his life were pouring into his mind together.


While he was thinking how close he was from death, he felt the rope which was stripped around his waist suddenly held on him tightly. His body was suspended (悬浮的)in the mid-air.


In the dark night, his body was only supported by a rope. In the stillness, he exclaimed loudly, “God, help me!” Suddenly, a low voice came from the sounds of nature, “Cut off the rope around your waist.” “What?” he couldn't hear clearly, for the wind was blowing.

漆黑的夜里,他全身的重量就靠一根绳子维持着。他一动不敢动,大声呼救:“主啊,救救我!” 突然,大自然中传来一个低沉的声音:“割断你腰间的绳子。” “什么?”他没听清,风实在是太大了。

That voice sounded again, “Cut off the rope around your waist.” But it was dark all round, so he couldn't see the surroundings he was in. He decided to grasp the only hope in his hand, holding the rope firmly not to let go.

这个声音又说:“把你腰间的绳子割断。” 四周漆黑一片,他看不清周遭的环境。他决定抓住手里握着的唯一希望,死死抓住绳子不放手。

The next day, when other mountaineers found him, he had been frozen to death, clutching the rope with his hands. But he was only ten feet away from a projecting rock!


If he cut off the rope and jumped down, he might be able to reach a relatively safe place, build a fire and wait for the rescuers, so that he could have been saved.






