Ubutun 安装、卸载 NVIDIA 驱动

Ubutun 安装、卸载 NVIDIA 驱动

作者: iVikings | 来源:发表于2024-02-05 15:00 被阅读0次
sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-*.run --uninstall
sudo apt remove --purge nvidia*
sudo apt autoremove
  • 安装
sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-535.154.05.run -no-x-check -no-nouveau-check -no-opengl-files
Would you like to register the kernel module souces with DKMS? This will allow DKMS to automatically build a new module, if you install a different kernel later? 
选择 No 继续。

Nvidia's 32-bit compatibility libraries? 选择 No 继续。

Would you like to run the nvidia-xconfigutility to automatically update your x configuration so that the NVIDIA x driver will be used when you restart x? Any pre-existing x confile will be backed up.  
选择 NO
  • 挂载
modprobe nvidia
  • 查看



      本文标题:Ubutun 安装、卸载 NVIDIA 驱动
