CC10 Small Action, Big Influence

CC10 Small Action, Big Influence

作者: 王阿熊 | 来源:发表于2016-12-23 10:56 被阅读0次

Oh~ It is 5 minutes passing my working time!! “Why, why I amlate again! Yes, I did not sleep well last night. “I am running and trying tofind excuse for myself and squeezing into the building.

Just at the moment, an elevator is at the first floor andthe last person is walking into it. I am so happy to save time to take ittogether. So I just run and run, and a voice is coming from my heart: “Wait!Wait me a second!”And just at the

moment, the elevator’s door is closing with a whole group of people looking at

me with no expression,unfortunately, no one press the open button for me.

My dear fellow Toastmasters, have you ever met thissituation before?

Sometimes, when you are lucky enough to press the openbutton, have you ever met a situation that someone will feel angry to you,because you make them have to wait 5 seconds for you to use the elevator together.

OK, forget about it. It is only a tiny thing, why I want itimpacts my mood.

After finishing the job, I walk out of the office buildingalso very fast. To make it safe, our building has so many doors. We have topass one by one to walk out of the building. And the door is very tight, youneed to use your hand to hold it to pass. And I just follow some colleagues topass the door. The girl who is ahead of me also passes quickly, but she put herbeautiful hands into her pocket. When it is my turn, the door is almost hit myface strongly.“Ah~” I jump and take 2steps backward~

OK, pretty thing, it does not matter. I do not care. I justtake the shuttle bus and go back home. When I am on the bus, a lot of passengersare already on. But I find that the front row are all almost be occupied bypeople’s bag. People just sit at the outside seat and they do not hope you sit insideso that they do not need to hold their bags all the way on their legs. Actually,I really want to ask them,这有人嘛?Ok, pretty thing, forget about it. I can sit at the back.

After get off the bus, I want to cross the corner to attendour Toastmaster meeting. When the light turn green, I walk through with confidencebecause I walk on a crossing, but, a car on my left hand, want to turn right.And the car press the honk to me, ok, I wait. After the car turning right, Iwalk quickly to the center of the road, and the car on my right hand want toturn left. So, I have to wait to avoid the horn. Ok, after all the car turningleft, the traffic light is almost become yellow, I use the last 3 seconds torun through the road. What a travel!

Ok, my dear Toastmasters. I am here now with a whole daylike this. And the day is happening on our lives everyday. So my aim today iswant to inspire my dear fellow Toastmasters, because you are good and deservebetter!

When we take an elevator, press the button for someone whois hurrying on. It will only takes you 5-10 seconds, but it can give you a goodimage personally. When you walk through a door, hold it for another 1-2seconds, and it can make the person after you has convenience and avoid thedoor shot him or her. When you take a public bus or subway, do not occupy theseat for your bag, but for people who needs it. When you drive a car, ask thepeople walking on first, it only takes you 5 seconds to wait but can avoidaccident. You see, a small action can have what a big influence to you and topeople around you.

Not only these action, you can do a lot of pretty thing inyour daily life to influence people. After you take a taxi, if you do notreceive a bad service, why not give the driver a 5 star. If you give him a bad comment,you only touch the button but he loses the bonus. When you call some customer service,if the person is not rude to you, why gives him or her a very satisfiedcomments? Think about the core value of Toastmasters: Integrity, Respect,Service and Excellence. If you have this attitude in your life, you must be integrity.You will respect others and do any tinything to serve people to make them to be excellent. Because施人玫瑰,手有余香。

When we make small action change, we cannot get something.But it can become your own image and can have a big positive influence in yourlife, in her life, in his life and in our life.I hope you remember what I talk today: Small action, big influence.

CC10 Small Action, Big Influence



      本文标题:CC10 Small Action, Big Influence
