

作者: 孤鹤横江 | 来源:发表于2022-07-14 21:15 被阅读0次

你是不是总是低着头看手机?你是不是已经不知不觉地变成了“smombie 手机僵尸”?智能手机给现代人的生活带来了巨大的便利,但同时也成为了一个严重转移人们注意力的事物。一个三人程序开发小组称他们编写了一个能让现代人“放下手机”的程序。

We're all probably guilty of using our phones a little too often. With the rise of the mobile phone, and later the smartphone, access to communication and information has never been so convenient or temptingOf course, there are those who only pay it any attention when it goes off or sends them an alert. But there are many who find that their phone is a constant distraction1.

There's been an abundance of articles recently relating to mobile phone addiction2 or diversion. In the UK, looking at a mobile phone rather than focussing on the road has been made illegal. Having your attention diverted from driving by a phone carries a stiff penalty. It's also no coincidence that the word ‘smombie' has been coined. The word is made up of two: smartphone zombie, and it describes those people who walk around totally captivated by their phone completely unaware3 of their surrou


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