I recently read The courage to be disliked for the second time, which again reminded me to consider everyone as my partner. Everyone in this world is your partner, even though some of them my hurt you, you still need to be loving and mercy to them, as only in this way, can you feel relaxed and less guarded when facing the world.
Miraculously, I began to enjoy the company of others and was lucky to meet up with several nice partners.
One of them was the mother of my son’s kindergarten friend. She smiles a lot and sincerely shares a lot of her life. One of the most attractive qualities of hers is her peaceful personality. She speaks gently and patiently. When his son misbehaves, she intervenes in a gentle way too. Also, she is interested in outdoor activities. And I guess that is why she is so outgoing and optimistic. She encouraged me to try swimming. Also, hearing her sharing of her life experience, I have learned that no one’s life can be perfect, and there may be health, work problems. Be patient and solve them; that is the way to deal with them.