204/365 聽

204/365 聽

作者: leejayce | 来源:发表于2019-07-24 00:14 被阅读0次
VPW Jakarta Indonesia

we are all parts of the whole, 

each longing for connection, 

to see and to be seen, 

to love and to be loved, 

willing to surrender, 

to stay open, 

to stay with 

our strengths and weakness, 

vulnerability and potentiality, 

we are the vehicle, 

the channel, 

the portal 

of what wants to emerge 

through each one of us.

we don’t know 

what we don’t know, 

stay grounded, 

stay humble, steady, 

navigating in between self, 

egos and doubts, 

fear and risks, 

diving into 

the river of change, 

be there,

in the service of humanity.

@VPW Jakarta Indonesia


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