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57003 芷晴
By Eric Carle不管是什么版本的《The very hungry caterpillar》都是Must Have人手必备的一本。对于故事会或是任何的活动都是非常好的选择,因为互动性和趣味性都是很高的,不管是毛毛虫玩偶还是扭扭棒,跟着故事中的毛毛虫一起吃东西,孩子们都会玩得停不下来。
Story Mountain: The caterpillar is borned (Beginning) — He is very hungry and eats a lots (Build up)— He has stomachs (Conflict) — He eats a leaf (Resolution) — He becomes a butterfly (End)
Teaching focus
Learn the colours - red, orange, green; learn the numbers 1-10; learn the days of week by singing the song; if allowed learn the names of food
Warm Up
Caterpillar in the ‘magic bag’, let each kid to touch and guess who is it? Lead them to the answer by saying ‘it’s soft’. Introduce the caterpillar!
Talk from the caterpillar prospective, ‘Hello everyone, my name is caterpillar, what’s your name?’ (to see each kids’ English level)
‘Do you know what date is today?’ Yes! Today is SUNDAY! Introduce the ‘days of week’ song.
Use the caterpillar to point to each when sing along
‘Do you want your own caterpillar?’ Take out the bendy sticks and each takes one
Story Telling - Tell, sing and act
① Days of week: each time, sing the song to see what date is it (consolidate the days of week)
② Food & number: each caterpillar eats the food and count
③ Colours: remind the colours of each food, maybe guess the flavour from the colours
④ Retelling: food is given to each kid, introduce a bigger caterpillar and starts his journey; retell the story by interacting with each kid, remind all the words of colours, numbers, food and days of week
① Coloured plates: each kid is given a plate with food, put them in the matching coloured plates, learn the colour: red, orange, green
② Colour your own caterpillar, remind all the colours along the activity