1)What can I watch right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?
Liam Winder:Turn off your computer. Go sit outside, just sit and look and listen to the sounds and sights around you. Don't think, don't judge, don't try to make sense of the sights and sounds. Don't try to see or to hear, just look and listen. If this becomes a habit, then it will help you profoundly for the rest of your life.
Liam Winder:关上你的电脑走到外面去,就静静地坐在那里看看周围的事物,听听周围的声音。不要去思考和判断什么对与错,也不要试图去观察或是聆听,你只需要坐在那里看着、听着就走够了。这将会对你之后的生活带来极大裨益。
2)If a happy and successful life is all about developing three good daily habits, what would those three habits be?
Cher Paredes Lim,Dabbler
1,Make it a point to learn something new everyday.
2,Do at least one act of kindness to anyone during the day.
3,Keep a journal and write. It doesn't matter how short you write, or how pointless it seems to you, just write. A lot of things can start from there.
Cher Paredes Lim,半吊子
3)What is the most valuable skill a person can have for their entire life?
Avi Lewin,Information Security and Film nerd.
I'd have to say either:
1. The ability to learn. Being able to learn new concepts quickly and being able to learn from your mistakes are critical to living.
2. The ability to communicate. It doesn't matter what you choose to do with your life, being able to communicate well will always put you at the top of the pile. Other people might be smarter than you, but if you can explain it better than them you will always win.
Avi Lewin,信息安全/资深电影爱好者
Spend your money on the things money can buy.Spend your time on the thingsmoney can't buy.- Haruki Murakami
Good advice for all wealth levels