Stardock Start11,Windows11开始菜单增强工具,Start8/Start10/Start11系列产品是一款Win8/Win10/Win11开始菜单恢复工具,在任务栏上添加开始按钮,为Windows 8、Windows 10、Windows 11恢复经典功能Win7样式开始菜单风格,自定义功能包括开始菜单、任务栏、按钮样式,菜单配置优化等。
2、使用stardock start11这款软件,能够让win11的开始菜单使用传统的显示方式,如图所示。
3、目前这款软件还处于测试阶段,Stardock CEO Brad Wardell表示:“软件第一个测试版旨在帮助win11重新获得曾经的一些Windows系统功能”
- Added option to disable taskbar animations
- Fixed issue with hide text on taskbar buttons making taskbar buttons wider with no text when buttons with text wouldn't fit in the space provided
- Fixed issue with multiline scrolling indicator not painting correctly
- Enabled clicking above/below scrolling indicator on taskbar scrolls the taskbar rather than forcing dragging of the bar
- Fixed issue with Win+number hotkeys not opening the right app sometimes
- Ctrl + clicking grouped taskbar button now cycles through the open windows
- Tweaks to handle tooltips better when taskbar is at the top of the screen and in autohide mode
- Fixed issue with primary monitor to right of secondary causing a problem with taskbar interactions
- Fixed issue with clicking very bottom of top aligned / top of bottom aligned taskbar causing virtual desktops to open
- Fixed issue with not grouping accent versions of A, E, I, O etc with A, E, I, O on Win10/11 style All apps
- On Beta/Dev build version of Windows 11 now forces background colour under start button when not using Start11 taskbar
- Added right click option to create shortcut on desktop
- Expanded room for on/off label on start menu page