

作者: 千千大捷 | 来源:发表于2020-03-29 18:20 被阅读0次

Music is a place of freedom, in which I don't have the baggage of 'rules' to play by...

「But you CAN'T put that chord in there!」

「Watch me, I just did!!」






To me, music is one of the basic necessities in life. I can listen music in the cracks between the big stuff—my commute, my lunch break, the few hours after my cats go to bed. Sometimes I might have to miss an episode of my favorite TV show, I might have to miss an hour of sleep, but I can find the time to listen to music if I look for it. I always have some song in the back of my head, even when I'm not actually listening to anything.


Music is an outlet for my emotions. There is music for every emotion. For example, If I'm happy, music adds to my happiness. If I'm sad, music reduces the sadness. If I'm depressed, music gives me hope. If I'm angry, music calms me down. A beautiful music has the power to make me feel euphoria. To feel the power of music, I often close my eyes, relax, and listen my favorite album from the beginning to the end. It will soothe me and help me connect on a deeper level with my soul.


Music helps me to find myself because it leads to the darkest corner in my hearts and even make it brighten. As a result, it touches the deepest spots in our hearts, makes me calm down, listens to my inner voice and feels my inside world. It has the power to heal, which encourage me to go through depression, bad mood or sadness and is able to reduce stress caused by the outside world. With it, I can control feelings from inside and know me better.


Some certain music carrys various memories. From these songs, I go through a certain time along with the particular emotions. For example, when I came back from a wonderful journey to an exotic resort, during which I listened to a certain song with its lyrics coming on the earphone passes to my both hemispheres fluidly. A moment of reminiscent memory of my journey through my mind every time when I listen to this song. Also, music gives me a chance to experience colorful life. I can agree that when a new song is made, the singer or the band tends to have lyrics that describe EXACTLY how is my feeling, it's almost as if I wouldn't even "know" that aspect of life, until someone else describes it, portrays it, and musically plays it. It gets humans through the lonely days and the happy summer flings. Life will be colorless without music.


When listening to music, I am also learning language. Learning is easier with tones, as it is a great tool for memorization. For example, young children often learn “abc” with music. In this process, music is a stimulant for the mind and the soul and fuels the mind as well as fuels our creativity. A creative mind allows to make great discoveries and innovations. It is so fun and engaging a learning process that can make my knowledge bigger.

And all of this shows that music is Incredibly important to me.



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