

作者: walkerwzy | 来源:发表于2021-11-07 00:17 被阅读0次

cs193p_2021_笔记_5_Property Wrapper
cs193p_2021_笔记_7_Document Architecture


Color, UIColor & CGColor


  • Is a color-specifier, e.g., .foregroundColor(Color.green).
  • Can also act like a ShapeStyle, e.g., .fill(Color.blue).
  • Can also act like a View, e.g., Color.white can appear wherever a View can appear.(可以当作view)


  • Is used to manipulate colors.(主打操控)
  • Also has many more built-in colors than Color, including “system-related” colors.(颜色更多)
  • Can be interrogated and can convert between color spaces.

For example, you can get the RGBA values from a UIColor.
Once you have desired UIColor, employ Color(uiColor:) to use it in one of the roles above.


  • The fundamental color representation in the Core Graphics drawing system
  • color.cgColor

Image V.S. UIImage


  • Primarily serves as a View.(主要功能是View)
  • Is not a type for vars that hold an image (i.e. a jpeg or gif or some such). That’s UIImage.
  • Access images in your Assets.xcassets (in Xcode) by name using Image(_ name: String).
  • Also, many, many system images available via Image(systemName:).
  • You can control the size of system images with .imageScale() View modifier.
  • System images also are affected by the .font modifier.
  • System images are also very useful as masks (for gradients, for example).


  • Is the type for actually creating/manipulating images and storing in vars.
  • Very powerful representation of an image.
  • Multiple file formats, transformation primitives, animated images, etc.
  • Once you have the UIImage you want, use Image(uiImage:) to display it.


  • 多线程其实并不是同时运行,而是前后台非常快速地切换
  • Queue只是有顺序执行的代码,封装了threading的应用
  • 这些“代码”用closure来传递
  • main queue唯一能操作UI的线程
    • 主线程是单线程,所以不能执行异步代码
  • background queues执行任意:long-lived, non-UI tasks
    • 可以并行运行(running in parallel) -> even with main UI queue
    • 可以手动设置优先级,服务质量(QoS)等
    • 优先级永远不可能超过main queue
  • base API: GCD (Grand Central Dispatch)
    1. getting access to a queue
    2. plopping a block of code on a queue

A: Creating a Queue

There are numerous ways to create a queue, but we’re only going to look at two ...

DispatchQueue.main // the queue where all UI code must be posted
DispatchQueue.global(qos: QoS) // a non-UI queue with a certain quality of service qos (quality of service) is one of the following ...
    .userInteractive    // do this fast, the UI depends on it!
    .userInitiated  // the user just asked to do this, so do it now
    .utility    // this needs to happen, but the user didn’t just ask for it
    .background // maintenance tasks (cleanups, etc.)

B: Plopping a Closure onto a Queue

There are two basic ways to add a closure to a queue ...

let queue = DispatchQueue.main //or
let queue = DispatchQueue.global(qos:) 
queue.async { /* code to execute on queue */ }
queue.sync { /* code to execute on queue */ }

主线程里永远不要.sync, 那样会阻塞UI

DispatchQueue(global: .userInitiated).async {
    // 耗时代码
    // 不阻塞UI,也不能更新UI
    // 到主线程去更新UI
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        // UI code can go here! we’re on the main queue! 



// recognize
myView.gesture(theGesture) // theGesture must implement the Gesture protocol

// create
var theGesture: some Gesture {
    return TapGesture(count: 2)  // double tap

// discrete gestures
var theGesture: some Gesture {
      return TapGesture(count: 2)
        .onEnded { /* do something */ }

// 其实就是:
func theGesture() -> some Gesture {
    tapGesture(count: 2)

// “convenience versions”
myView.onTapGesture(count: Int) { /* do something */ } 
myView.onLongPressGesture(...) { /* do something */ }

// non-discrete gestures

var theGesture: some Gesture {
.onEnded { value in /* do something */ } 


  • For a DragGesture, it’s a struct with things like the start and end location of the fingers.
  • For a MagnificationGesture it’s the scale of the magnification (how far the fingers spread out).
  • For a RotationGesture it’s the Angle of the rotation (like the fingers were turning a dial).
  • 还可以跟踪一个state: @GestureState var myGestureState: MyGestureStateType = <starting value>


var theGesture: some Gesture {
        .updating($myGestureState) { value, myGestureState, transaction in 
            myGestureState = /* usually something related to value */
        .onEnded { value in /* do something */ }



.onChanged { value in
/* do something with value (which is the state of the fingers) */


  1. 把实时手势对应的值保存起来
  2. 在手势结束时复原(对于缩放,变为1,对于移动,变为0)
  3. 同时,它是只读的,只在.updating方法里有更新的机会


Drag and Drop

Item Provider

  • The heart of drag nad drop is the NSItemProvider class.
  • It facilitates the transfer of data between processes (via drag and drop, for example)
  • It facilitates the transfer of a number of data types in iOS, for example:
    • NSAttributedString and NSString
    • NSURL
    • UIImage and UIColor
  • pre-Swift,所以需要bridging,比如:String as NSString


Text(emoji).onDrag{ NSItemProvider(object: emoji as NSString)}


otherView.onDrop(of: [.plainText], isTarget: nil) {providers, location in return false }
  • 参接收的类型由of参数指定,这里假定是文本
  • 方法里最终要返回一个bool值,表示成功接收与否,我返了个false,意思是你能让物体拖动,但是一松开手指就复原了


extension Array where Element == NSItemProvider {
  func loadObjects<T>(ofType theType: T.Type, firstOnly: Bool = false, using load: @escaping (T) -> Void) -> Bool where T: NSItemProviderReading {
    if let provider = first(where: { $0.canLoadObject(ofClass: theType)}) {
      provider.loadObject(ofClass: theType) { object, error in
        if let value = object as? T {
          DispatchQueue.main.async {
      return true
    return false

// and
// where T: _ObjectiveCBridgeable, T._ObjectiveCType: NSItemProviderReading
  1. 提供了两段代码,可以看到其实就是对要加载的对象的约束不同,提供了对OC的兼容
  2. 模板代码演示了
    稳健地从拖拽对象加载内容(canload -> load)
  3. 真正的业务逻辑其实就是为拖进来的这个view选择一个位置存放(或读取它携带的数据)
  4. T.Type传的是类别的.self,比如String.self



