

作者: Zitronen_suri | 来源:发表于2020-12-18 21:17 被阅读0次


    # The absurd language used by job adverts

    Today’s careers require a lot more than just raw muscle but that sometimes makes jobs hard to define. The unfortunate result is a form of “adjective inflation” in recruitment ads as employers attempt to make routine tasks sound exciting. Candidates must sometimes wonder whether they are applying for a 9-to-5 role or to become part of the Marvel “Avengers” franchise. On the Indeed website, a cocktail bar was recently looking for “bartenders who are people-focused, quality-driven, (and) have superhero hospitality powers.” The ability to give customers the correct change was not mentioned.

    如今的职场上,光使蛮力是远远不够的,但这有时就让人很难准确定义一份工作需要什么。雇主们试图在招聘广告里把平淡的工作包装得激动人心,这又产生了一个不幸的结果——某种形式的“形容词滥用”。有时求职者不免陷入疑惑,自己究竟是在申请一个“朝九晚五”的普通岗位,还是漫威的《复仇者联盟》系列电影中的某个超级英雄角色。在 Indeed 网站上,一家鸡尾酒酒吧最近在招聘“以人为本、质量驱动、待客能力有如超级英雄的酒保”,唯独给顾客准确找零的能力没有提到。

    In an echo of the 1960s slogan, “make love, not war”, companies require applicants to be passionate. But when it comes to work, passion may not always be the most appropriate emotion. As emotions go, pride in one’s performance seems important, as does a degree of empathy for colleagues and other people affected by what you do. In any case, passion is pretty hard to maintain consistently for 40 hours a week, month after month.

    与 20 世纪 60 年代的口号“要爱,不要战争”遥相呼应,如今的公司要求应聘者充满“激情”。但就工作而言,激情不可能总是最妥当的情感。就情感而言,工作的成就感似乎就很重要了。同样的,对同事和受你影响的其他人保持一定程度的同理心也很重要。无论如何,人们很难在每周 40 个小时、周而复始的工作中一直保持激情。

    Instead of talking about passion, employers should really be asking for enthusiasm. Workers may not learn to love their jobs, but with the right attitude, they can get enjoyment from the simple act of performing their task well. As well as keeping workers content, it ought to be enough for most bosses.


    Job applicants should take their cue from the kind of adverts that companies place. Think of it like a first date: if the other person started talking of marriage and how many children you will have together, you might avoid seeing them for a second time. So if a job advert talks about passion or superheroes, run away faster than a speeding Batmobile.




