2023年黑龙江省绥化市中考 - 阅读理解A

2023年黑龙江省绥化市中考 - 阅读理解A

作者: 让文字更美 | 来源:发表于2024-05-31 09:08 被阅读0次

What is the life in the desert like? You may think there is only sand in the desert of the world, but it is not true. In the desert, there is a little rain, but it is not enough for most plants. Still we can see some plants live in the desert.

There is water in some places in the desert. We call these places oases. In the oases, there are villages and towns. People grow all kinds of crops in the fields there. People also live outside the oases. They have camels, sheep and other animals. These animals depend on the desert plants for their food and do not need much water.

The animals are useful to the desert people in many aspects. They eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use the camels for carrying water, food, tents and something else.

The desert people have to keep moving from place to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for the animals. When there is no more food for their animals, they move to other places. The desert people are friendly. People in the desert are glad to help the people in trouble and give them food and water.


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      本文标题:2023年黑龙江省绥化市中考 - 阅读理解A
