Am I missing the math?
err on the side of sth 宁可过于…也不要…
We should err on the side of safety. 小心驶得万年船。
tend to = care for 照顾,照料 (这句话翻译有意思)
itty bitty | a.k.a. itsy-bitsy, ittle bitty
A term that means something small, tiny. Often used for women with small breasts. 形容小(breast, penis)
ball of rage 容易生气的人 = ball of anger
the last straw 使人不能忍受的最后一击,压断骆驼脊背的最后一根稻草
alias 亦名,别名,化名
avoid friction 避免争执
never let dead dog lie: stir things up, cause unnecessary problems 没事找事,爱挑事
he’s out there 他还逍遥法外
out 在这里的翻译很赞
whole big thing or big thing : something that is prominent, important 极其重要的事
ugly 除了指面容丑陋以外,还可以指事件、局势、关系等陷入恶劣凶险的状态
things to be ugly 情势凶险(在这里指撕破脸)
an ugly incident 危险事件
putter around 磨蹭,倒腾,悠闲地做
英文解释:to do things or move without hurrying, especially when you are doing sth that you enjoy and that is not important
eye gouging 刺眼睛(那件事)
gouge 凿,戳
bulldoze: to destroy buildings, trees, etc. with a bulldozer (用推土机)推倒,铲平 | 强迫(某人做某事)
sb. is getting way ahead of oneself here 某人早就考虑到,超前考虑到(某件事)
have the ego to do sth. ?
see sth. through 进行到底;坚持完成
you are being such an alarmist right now 你现在如此危言耸听
bubble (over) with sth: to be full of a particular feeling 洋溢着(某种感情)
rub off on sb. (人的品质、行为、观点等 ) 感染;传给
Her sense of fun has rubbed off on her children. 她的幽默感已经传给了她的孩子。
saddle sth. up : to give sb. an unpleasant responsibility, task, debt, etc. 使某人(或自己)肩负重担
Wolf Blitzer: CNN新闻网头牌记者,主要报道政治新闻
It takes a village. (to raise a child)(养育孩子)需要合众人之力。
decor = decoration 家具,装修
hideous 十分丑陋的
Down the hatch. = drink up in one gulp 一饮而尽
Bottoms up!
jump to a judgment 下结论
inflated sense of … 夸张,言过其实
self-entitled 这个单词是用来形容那种自以为爹妈有钱就可以啥都不做,认为自己生来就应该享受优待的人
rich bitch 有钱婊 (很押韵,有咩有~)
I’m off to = I’m going to / I’m leaving for 我将要…
My Fair Lady 电影《窈窕淑女》
I root for you. 我支持你。= You have my back./ You’ve got my back.
Something has to give. 总得牺牲一些东西。
It was more of … 更像是
publicity stunt 宣传噱头,这里翻译为“作秀”
stunt 意在引人注意的花招