How to be an interesting person

How to be an interesting person

作者: 晚风过境 | 来源:发表于2019-04-21 16:26 被阅读0次

    In an event, I was picked to give a 10 min impromptu speech on 'How do you become an interesting person?'  I got 10 minute to prepare. And the first question come to me to this topic is what is interesting?

    I looked up the internet but it's not help well. So to the beginning I ask the audience what is interesting? Some people give their answers, and I said that I noticed the answer varies on different people.

    And then I give a story happened last month, that I went to U.S. for three weeks for training.  I was sick of the western food after several days there, and then I got a chance that a Chinese colleague take me to a Chinese supermarket there and I bought a lobster(only because it's cheap, 10 USD) and some food materials for cook. At dinner time I talked to Nathan that I bought some food materials from Chinese supermarket and I planned to make hotpot next day for both of us, then I showed him the picture of lobster. He was sooooooo surprised and asked, is that alive? And I confirmed it.

    Next day early in the morning I had a meeting with other department and when I back to office, everyone I met talked to me with an exciting and unbelievable tone, 'I heard that there is a lobster in your room. Alive!' I was like, 'Yes, did Nathan told you about that?'  Several back and forth, and when I had lunch in the canteen, Some of the colleagues come to say hi and greeting with the same question. Now I was confused why it's a big deal, when Shannon asked the same thing,she explaines that in American people don't really buy something alive and kill them at home. If they buy something alive, they regard it as a pet.

    Now it's clear to me and another day when I was asked if my lobster safe with me. I would rub my belly and said yes, he's pretty safe with me here. That makes them laugh. And they all think I'm an interesting person.

    The other day I invited Nathan to hotpot, with cooked the lobster. I gave him some Chinese hotpot sauce and he was very cautious and ask what's is in sight of the sauce. I couldn't tell because the ingredient is too hard to explain for me, so I said it's just for seafood. His sliced a piece of lobster to his plate, take some sauce, and then put it to his mouth, he did so to several other food as well, I stared at him, want to figure out if he likes them or not, while it's not seems enjoy, neither dislike, so I asked him how's that, then he look at me said, interesting.

    So you see Interesting could be different meaning and depends on how you say it. Either can be you caught the other's attention and make them curious about you, also it can means that you did something that other people don't want to judge in case hurt your feelings. Now back to the question, 'How to be an interesting person?' interesting here might be the first meaning and from my story, I would only regard the reason as culture difference and to extend it, we can cover as below items.

    1. Be yourself. Everyone is unique, we're all different from others, follow your heard and to be the person who you are, so that people can see you.

    2. Be good at something. Only passion and practice can makes you are really good at something, and that is the elements of being interesting.

    3. Have a sense of humor. Life is hard, and humor can get easy with adversity.

    4. Learn from other people you admire. The person we admire might be good at something, or with amazing personality, either inspiring or call for your action, and we can start think and learn it.

    Being an interesting person It's not hard. If you want get something done, there are three important items: awareness, ability, and willingness. We should have the awareness to find beauty in your life, have the willingness to understand and have the ability to become the kind of interesting person you wan to be, and practice makes perfect.



        本文标题:How to be an interesting person
