

作者: 一只虾米菌 | 来源:发表于2018-12-30 18:59 被阅读0次

    The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.

    in Chinese territory

    The mountain is in Chinese territory

    apple jelly

    what would you like on your bread,apple jelly or peanut butter.

    be certified dead

    the driver in the accident was certified dead on arrival at the hospital.

    complain about the traffic jam

    the drivers stuck in the downtown are complaining about the traffic jam

    conspicuous read hair

    his conspicuous red hair made him easy to be recognized in the crowd.

    the removal of a small lump

    it's just the removal of a small lump,so you don't need to worry.

    a cohesive community

    the cohesive community rallied to protest the construction of the chemical plant.

    auction of jewllery

    many people bid at the auction of jewllery,but it fails to reach the acceptable price.

    Britain's two main auction houses,Sotheby's and Christies,have been involved in valuing the works.

    an old man has brittle bones

    the old man is diagnosed as having brittle bones,and can't do intense sports.

    advanced technology

    machines built with advanced technology are gradually replacing manual labor.

    Sometimes when grow-ups say forever they mean a very long time.

    have a sweet tooth

    she has a sweet tooth and always get excited about desserts.

    milk custard 双皮奶    sorbet冰沙  Tiramisu提拉米苏  Schwarzwald cake/Black Forest Cake黑森林蛋糕    tart蛋挞  pancake薄饼 cheese cake 芝士蛋糕 sundae圣代waffle 华夫饼 donut甜甜圈

    glucose =a type of  sugar that gives you energy

    And your blood glucose level is very high.

    car emissions

    bungee jumping

    dab hand

    a dab hand at gardening

    eavesdrop =listen secretly to what they are saying

    the housemaid eavesdrop from behind the kitchen door

    ecstasy=a feeling of very great happiness/an illegal drug which makes people feel happy and energetic

    He listened to the music with ecstasy


    oh,out of the goodness of his heart

    my goodness


    her mother was a pious christian

    sullen=who is sullen is bad-tempered and don't speak much

    many of them remained sullen and resentful


    is that a contact lens?

    a camera lens


    these musicians gave an absolutely faultless performance


    the accused nodded in assent

    he gave his assent to the proposed legislation


    resistance  is measured in ohms.


    he was forced to take opium to kill the pain.


    in English,some questions have a rising intonation.


    the long-lost friends recollect the carefree days of their youth at the reunion


    disregarding all the difficulties,we arrived here in time.

    whoever planted the bomb showed a total disregard for the safety of the public.

    all that shows is him callous disregard for the law.


    an immense monument was erected in honor of the noble patriot.



    his eyes scintillated excitation.


    some people are still suffering under the yoke of slavery.


    she was singing a lullaby to her child


    he was dazzled by the warmth of her smile.

    courage is fear holding on a minute longer.

    make rapid progress

    he made rapid progress for he works so hard.

    withdraw the  troops

    Obama withdraw the American troops from Iraq.

    a complicated theory

    the theory is so complicated that few people understand it.

    arouse a great deal of passion

    this basketball final arouses a great deal of passion among it's supporters.

    pay of foodpath with concrete

    the footpath of the remote village was paved with concrete to reduce mud and puddles.

    devise a method

    the team's task is to devise a method to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

    a prospective customer

    finding the basic needs of prosperctive customer is important.

    a nasty temper

    people around her can never stand her nasty temper.

    a first-class compartment

    a ticket for a seat in the first-class compartment is often more expensive.

    be alleged to commit crimes

    the CEO is alleged to have committed crimes but no official response has been given yet.

    sunday best

    this is going to be a formal event so please come dressed in your Sunday best.


    hopes for an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence.


    if you smoke then the whole respiratory system is constantly under attack.


    the new medicare is only applicable to senior citizens above60years old.

    out of one's own pocket

    breakfast is included but you must pay for lunch out of your own pocket


    the kid is walking with a brisk pace and his grandfather can hardly keep up with him.


    automation has absoleted many unskilled workers.


    he makes a rigorous study of the plant in the area.

    biting satire

    the novel Gulliver's Travels is regarded as a work of biting satire.


    tom and i are trying to conceive a child


    the country is facing a budget deficit due to continuous increase of government spending.


    i don't agree with your premise.


    it would be futile to suatain his life when there is no chance of any improvement.

    my attempt to fall asleep by counting sheep was a futile attempt.


    the brook running along the village witness the peaceful life of villagers.


    we will rendezvous with you on the other side of the bridge.


    the hope to boost the morale of the their troops.


    afraid you are gonna be obsoleted

    the company spent a huge amount of money replace obsolete devices.

    you can't be paralyzed by fear of failure or you will never push yourself.

    你绝不能被失败的恐惧所吓倒,否则你将永远不会进步。  阿诺施瓦辛格。

    broaden your horizons

    travelling and reading can greatly enrich your experience and broaden your horizons.

    browse through the news

    he just browses through the news quickly before getting off the bus.

    the British conquest in India

    the British conquest in India made English one of the official languages in the country.

    an attempt to avert conflicts

    two countries have conducted peace talks in an attempt to avoid military conflicts

    the advent of artificial Intelligence.

    the advent of artificial Intelligence will free many people from simple jobs.

    vapor condense into water

    vapor condense into water when the temperature goes down

    a coalition government

    the two political parties decided to cooperate and form a coalition government.

    a statue to commemorate the poet.

    a bronze statue was erected at the center of the square to commemorate the famous poet.

    a high degree of autonomy

    Hongkong is given a high degree of autonomy since it's a special administrative region of China.

    when i arrived here,he was on all fours playing with his grandchildren.

    the nearest town is about one hundred miles away,give or take a few miles.

    cry wolf

    if you cry too often,you will lose the trust of others.


    we have to completely reboot the system from the server.


    sulfur can be used to make gunpowder.

    the barrel of gunpowder blew up with a terrible noise.


    he stood up,stretched and yawned.


    murder is a vile and loathsome crime.


    she committed to herself to philanthropy.

    he dedicated himself to philanthropy.

    job satisfaction

    do you get any job satisfaction


    he bought an expensive watch to satisfy his vanity.

    on the dot.

    the train arrived on the dot of three o'clock.

    twists and turns

    downstream the river twists and turns a lot.

    we need to maintain an optimistic mentality to pull through life's pain and sorrow twists and turns.

    on thin ice

    he is used to skating on thin ice and managed the situation as well as could be hoped.

    stand by

    i will stand by you whatever happens.


    she has a very sensitive disposition and always cares too much about what others think.

    he is friendly and cheerful disposition.


    it's a seductive argument.

    brag  prowess

    he is always bragging about his prowess as a cricketer.

    he will probably go around bragging to his friends.


    she is the most vile human being on this planet.



