SAT OG1 语法

作者: 炼金浪人 | 来源:发表于2018-04-17 17:23 被阅读0次


    ​ 良好,题目简单,部分词汇题不会不认识


    ​ 时间:29‘23 = 6’25 + 8‘29 + 6’54 + 7‘31

    ​ 错误率:2 = 1+ 0 + 1 + 0

    ​ 错误题型:

    ​ 语法:

    ​ 阅读*2:

    ​ 精准*1

    ​ 风格语气*1

    1. Whey to Go

    • 结构
      • 引入Greek yogurt
      • 主:the advantages of Greek yogurt outweigh the potential drawbacks of its production
      • con. & reuse of acid whey
      • pro. & conclusion
    • 错题
      • 【10】阅读:精准 3
        • 【知识】不认识satiate

    2. Dark Snow

    • 结构
      • 引入Greenland Ice Sheet
      • Greenland Ice Sheet --> Great Melt --> dark snow problem
      • dark snow 缘由+原理
      • Box's research

    3. Coworking: A Creative Solution

    • 结构
      • 起因缘由
      • concept
      • support from survey
      • try
      • like & reasons: people
    • 错题
      • 【33】阅读:风格语气 3
        • 【思维】考点识别出错,误以为是精准
        • 【知识】部分选项单词不认识

    4. Consolations of Philosophy

    • 结构
      • 主:now a useful and practical major: philosophy
      • past: eliminate
      • recent: increase (high demand) & students perform better than (advanced exam scores)
      • transferable skills across professions (varied professional skills) & conclusion


    1. Given these solutions as well as the many health benefits of the food, the advantages of Greek yogurt outperform the potential drawbacks of its production.

      as well as 的词性以及用法

    2. In fact, Greek yogurt can be found in an increasing number of products such as snack food and frozen desserts.

      such as 的词性

    3. The summer of 2012 was the warmest in 170 years, records show.

    4. I gleefully traded in my suits and dress shoes for sweatpants and slippers, my frantic early-morning bagged lunch packing for a leisurely midday trip to my refrigerator.

    5. Greek yogurt contains slightly more protein per serving, thereby helping people stay satiated for longer periods of time.

      thereby 的词性

    6. Within a month, I found myself feeling isolated despite having frequent email and instant messaging contact with my colleagues.

      despite 的词性以及用法

    7. nevertheless 的词性

    8. On the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), for example, students intending to study philosophy in graduate school have scored higher than students in all but four other majors.

      but 的词性

    9. Law and business specifically benefit from the complicated theoretical issues raised in the study of philosophy, but philosophy can be just as useful in engineering or any field requiring complex analytic skills.

      as 的词性



        本文标题:SAT OG1 语法
