

作者: 刘二傻 | 来源:发表于2016-02-23 20:25 被阅读87次


    Man D:Pass, please. Thank you.请出示通行证。谢谢。

    W:You've got ID for Baskerville?! How?你有巴斯克维尔的证件?怎么搞到的?

    S:It's not specific to this place. It's my brother's. Access all areas. I, um, ahem, acquired it ages ago. Just in case.不是这地方专有的,我哥哥的证件。哪里都能进。我...很久前拿到的,以防万一。


    S:What's the matter?怎么了?

    W:We'll getcaught.我们会被抓。

    S:We won't! Well, not yet.不会,现在还不会。

    W:Caught in five minutes. "Hi, we thought we'd have a wander around your top secret weapons base. Really? Great. Come in, kettle's boiled." That's if we don't get shot.五分钟后就会,"你好,我们就来看看你们定级秘密武器基地。真的?太好了。进来。上茶。"如果没被爆头的话。

    Man D:Clear. Thanks very much.好了,非常感谢。

    S:Thank you.谢谢。

    Man D:Straight through, sir.一直朝前开,长官。

    S:Mycroft's name literally opens doors. I've told you, he practically is the British Government. I reckon we've got about 20 minutes before they realise something's wrong.麦克罗夫特的名字真的是敲门砖,早告诉你了,他基本就是英国政府,大概得20分钟,他们才会发现不对。

    Man E:What is it? Are we in trouble?怎么了,我们惹麻烦了?

    S:Are we in trouble, sir.请叫我长官。

    Man E:Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.是的长官抱歉长官

    S:You were expecting us?你知道我们要来?

    Man E:Your ID showed up straight away, Mr Holmes. Corporal Lyons, security. Is there something wrong, sir?你的通行证立刻上报了,福尔摩斯先生。莱昂丝下士,安保部,有问题吗,长官?

    S:I hope not, Corporal, I hope not.我希望没有,下士。

    Man E:We don't get inspected here. It just doesn't happen.我们这里一般不会受到视察。

    W:Ever heard of a spot check? Captain John Watson, Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers.有听说过突击检查吗?约翰·华生上尉,诺桑伯兰第五明火枪团。

    Man E:Sir.长官。

    Man E:Major Barrymore won't be pleased, sir. He'll want to see you both.巴里莫尔少校会生气的,长官。他会想和二位见面。

    W:I'm afraid we won't have time. We need the full tour. Right away. Carry on.That's an order, Corporal.恐怕没时间,得巡视整个基地。马上开始吧,这是命令,下士。

    Man E:Yes, sir.是,长官。

    S:Nice touch.干得好。

    W:Haven't pulled rank in ages.几百年没拿军衔来压人了。

    S:Enjoy it?享受么?

    W:Oh, yeah.爽死了。

    S:How many animals do you keep down here?你们这儿有多少动物?

    Man E:Lots, sir.很多长官

    S:Any ever escape?有逃跑的么?

    Man E:They'd have to know how to use that lift, sir. We're not breeding them that clever.除非会用那部电梯才行,长官,我们还没培育出那么聪明的。

    S:Unless they have help.除非有人帮忙。

    Dr Frankland:Ah, and you are?啊,你们是? 

    Man E:It's all right, DrFrankland, I'm just showing these gentlemen around.没关系,弗兰克兰博士,我只是带这两位参观一下。

    Dr Frankland:Ah, new faces, how nice. Careful you don't get stuck here, though, I only came to fix a tap.新面孔,真好,当心别困在这里了我当年只是来修龙头的。

    W:How far down does that lift go?那个电梯能下到多深?

    Man E:Quite a way, sir.挺深的,长官。

    W:Hm-mm. And what's down there?嗯,下面是什么?

    Man E:Well, we have to keep the bins somewhere, sir.垃圾桶总得找个地方放啊,长官。

    Man E:This way please, gentlemen.先生们这边请。

    W:So what exactly is it that you do here?那么你们在这具体做什么呢?

    Man E:I thought you'd know, sir, this being an inspection.我以为你知道,长官,你不是来视察的吗?

    W:Well, I'm not an expert, am I?唉,谁叫我不是专家呢?

    Man E:Everything from stem cell research to trying to cure the common cold, sir.应有尽有,从干细胞研究,到普通感冒治疗,长官。

    W:But mostly weaponry?不过主要是武器?

    Man E:Of one sort or another, yes.多少有一些吧。

    W:Biological, chemical?生化武器?

    Man E:One war ends, another begins, sir. New enemies to fight. We have to be prepared.硝烟未散,风云又起,长官。敌人更新换代,有备才能无患。

    Stapleton:OK, Michael, let's try Harlow 3 next time.好了,迈克尔,下次换H3。

    Man E:Dr Stapleton...斯坦佩顿博士…


    Stapleton:Yes? Who's this?是我,这位是?

    Man E:Priority ultra, ma'am, orders from on high. An inspection.最高优先级,长官,上面安排的视察。

    Stapleton:Really?是吗? We are to be accorded every courtesy, Dr Stapleton. What's your role at Baskerville?请给予我们应有的尊重,斯坦佩顿博士。您在巴斯克维尔负责什么工作?

    W:Accorded every courtesy, isn't that the idea?言无不尽,对吧?

    Stapleton:I'm not free to say. Official secrets.恐怕我不能自由透露,这是国家机密。

    S:Oh, you most certainly are free, and I suggest you remain that way.哦你现在自由的很,千万要珍惜自由啊。

    Stapleton:I have a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. I like to mix things up. Genes, mostly. Now and again, actual fingers.我在这里事事都要插一指头,我喜欢搅合东西,平常也就合成基因,有时候真的要用上手指头。

    S:Stapleton! I knew I knew your name.斯坦佩顿,我就觉得这名字耳熟。

    Stapleton:I doubt it.不会吧。

    S:People say there's no such thing. Dull lives they must lead.人们都说世上没有巧合,可见他们活的多无趣啊。

    Stapleton:Have you been talking to my daughter?你和我女儿谈过?

    S:Why did Bluebell have to die, Dr Stapleton?为什么要杀死铃兰,博士?

    W:The rabbit?那只兔子?

    S:Disappeared from inside a locked hutch, which was always suggestive.锁在笼子里消失了,让人起疑。

    W:The rabbit?兔子?

    S:Clearly an inside job.显然是自己人干的。

    Stapleton:Oh, you reckon?哦,你这么觉得?

    S:Why? Because it glowed in the dark.为什么?因为它在黑暗中发光?

    Stapleton:I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Who are you?我完全不知道你在说什么,你到底是谁?

    S:We've seen enough for now. Thank you so much.我们看够了,多谢你。

    Man E:That's it?这就完了?

    S:That's it. It's this way, isn't it?这就完了,从这边出对吗?

    Stapleton:Just a minute!请留步。

    W:Did we just break into a military base to investigate a rabbit?我们这是闯进军事基地来查一只兔子?

    S:Ha! 23 minutes. Mycroft's getting slow.哈,23分钟,麦克罗夫特越来越慢了。

    Dr Frankland:Hello, again.你好又见面了

    Man E:Er, Major...少校...

    Barrymore:This is bloody outrageous! Why wasn't I told?!真是岂有此理,怎么没人向我汇报?

    W:Major Barrymore, is it? Yes, well, good. Very good, we're very impressed. Aren't we, Mr Holmes?巴里莫尔少校对吗?嗯,很不错。真让我们赞不绝口对吧福尔摩斯先生?


    Barrymore:The point of Baskerville was to eliminate bureaucratic nonsense!设立巴斯克维尔基地,就为避开这套繁文缛节。

    S:Sorry, Major.抱歉,少校。

    Barrymore:Inspections! Can't remain unmonitored for ever, goodness knows what you'd get up to. Keep walking.视察。总不能永远都没人监视吧,天晓得你们在搞什么呢,继续走。

    Man E:Sir! ID unauthorised, sir. What? I've just had the call.长官,身份未授权,长官,什么?我刚接到一个电话。

    Barrymore:Is that right? Who are you?是吗?你是谁?

    W:Look, there's obviously been some kind of mistake.好了,显然什么地方出了误会。

    Barrymore:Clearly not, Mycroft Holmes.绝对没有麦克罗夫特·福尔摩斯。

    W:Computer error. It'll all have to go in the report.电脑故障,少校,得在报告上记一笔了。

    Barrymore:What the hell's going on?到底在搞什么?

    Dr Frankland:It's all right, Major, I know who these gentlemen are.没事,少校,我认识这两位先生。

    Barrymore:You do?你认识?

    Dr Frankland:Yeah, I'm getting a little slow on faces, but Mr Holmes here isn't someone I expected to show up in this place.对啊,都怪我脸盲了,可我没料到福尔摩斯先生会在这里出现。

    S:Oh, well...好吧。

    Dr Frankland:Good to see you again, Mycroft. I had the honour of meeting Mr Holmes at the WHO conference in... Brussels, was it?很高兴再见到你,麦考夫。我有幸在世界卫生组织会议上,见过福尔摩斯先生在...布鲁塞尔对吗?


    Dr Frankland:Vienna, that's it. This is Mr Mycroft Holmes, Major. There's obviously been a mistake.维也纳,没错。这位是麦克罗夫特·福尔摩斯先生,少校,显然出了点误会。

    Barrymore:On your head be it, Dr Frankland.有问题唯你是问,弗兰克兰博士。

    Dr Frankland:I'll show them out, Corporal.我来送客。

    Man E:Very well, sir.好的,长官。

    S:Thank you.谢谢。

    Dr Frankland:This is about Henry Knight, isn't it? I thought so. I knew he wanted help, but I didn't realise he was going to contact Sherlock Holmes! Oh, don't worry, I know who you really are. I'm never off your website. I thought you'd be wearing the hat.是亨利·奈特的事,对吗?我猜到就是,我知道他想帮忙,可没想到他会去找夏洛克·福尔摩斯,别紧张,我知道你们是谁,网站我整天在刷呢,还以为你会戴那顶帽子。

    S:That wasn't my hat.那不是我的帽子。

    Dr Frankland:I love the blog, too, Dr Watson.我也喜欢你的博客,华生医生。

    W:Oh, cheers.哦,谢啦,

    Dr Frankland:The pink thing. And that one about the aluminium crutch.粉色那篇,还有铝拐杖的故事。

    S:Yes. You know Henry Knight?对你认识亨利·奈特?

    Dr Frankland:Well, I knew his dad better. He had all sorts of mad theories about this place. Still, he was a good friend. Listen, I can't really talk now. Here's my cell number. If I can help with Henry, give me a call.嗯,跟他爸比较熟,他总对这里疑神疑鬼,发表各种奇谈怪论,不过我们一直是好朋友,听着,这不是说话的时候,留我的手机号,如果能帮上亨利,尽管给我打电话。

    S:I never did ask, Dr Frankland, what exactly is it that you do here?我还没问,弗兰克兰博士你在这里具体做什么?

    Dr Frankland:Ah, Mr Holmes, I would love to tell you, but then, of course, I'd have to kill you.啊福尔摩斯先生,我很乐意告诉你,不过然后呢,我就得杀人灭口了。

    S:That would be tremendously ambitious of you.大言不惭啊。

    S:Tell me about Dr Stapleton.给我讲讲斯塔佩顿博士。

    Dr Frankland:I never speak ill of a colleague.我从不说同事的坏话。

    S:But you'd speak well of one, which you're clearly omitting to do.I'll be in touch.但是你也不想说他们的好话。回头再联系。

    Dr Frankland:Any time.随时恭候。



    W:What was all thatabout the rabbit? Oh, please, can we not do this, this time?兔子到底怎么回事?拜托,别再来这套了好不好?

    S:Do what?哪套?

    W:You being all mysterious with your... cheekbones, and turning your coat collar up so you look cool.你那副高深莫测的...颧骨,还把大衣领子竖起来扮酷。

    S:I don't do that.我才没有。

    W:Yeah, you do.我说有就有。

    W:So, the email from Kirsty. The missing luminous rabbit.所以,科斯蒂的邮件,失踪的发光兔子

    S:Kirsty Stapleton, whose mother specialises in genetic manipulation.科斯蒂·斯坦佩顿,母亲是基因工程专家。

    W:She made her daughter's rabbit glow in the dark?是她让女儿的兔子变成夜光的?

    S:Probably a fluorescent gene. Removed and spliced into the specimen. Simple enough, these days.大概是荧光基因,移植到样本身上如今操作起来很简单了。


    S:So we know that Dr Stapleton performs secret genetic experiments on animals. The question is, has she been working on something deadlier than a rabbit?由此可知,斯坦佩顿博士在用动物做秘密基因实验。问题是她有没有用过比兔子更致命的生物?

    W:To be fair, that is quite a wide field.老实说,这范围也太大了。



