Alys Beach is the third iteration of New Urbanist resort towns on the Florida Panhandle, more stylistically controlled and pristine than its predecessors. Also designed by Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company, it follows on the success of nearby Seaside to the west and Rosemary Beach to the east.
阿莱斯海滩是位于佛罗里达州狭长地带的第三代新城市主义度假小镇,它比之前的度假小镇更具风格控制和质朴。它也是由Duany Plater Zyberk&公司设计,它延续了西边海滨和东边罗斯玛丽海滩的成功。
Located on 158 acres (64 hectares) that straddle both sides of Highway 30A,the site slopes gently to the south, offering exceptional views to the Gulf from many points inland. The urban-to-rural transect distributes the denser, more urban concentrations near the beach and along the highway, with sparser, more rural elements located to the north adjacent to a 20-acre (8-hectare) preserve.
The architectural style is derived from the island of Bermuda and consists of simple volumes of whitewashed masonry and stucco. This tectonic formalism is amalgamated with the Caribbean-patio-house type, with buildings grouped into small compounds and unified by perimeter walls. The perimeter walls are higher and more formal in the urban zones, lower and more rustic in the rural areas.
North-south streets lead to the beach, with views of the Gulf kept clear. A waterfront plaza is proposed as the primary gathering place of the communities. Lined with three-story mixed-use buildings, the plaza is defined by arcades and has wide steps leading down to the beach.
强烈的建筑体量与深邃的开口以及简单的材料与色彩组合在阿莱斯海滩产生了统一感,同时形成明晰的空间辨识度。 阿莱斯海滩的总体规划显示,改造后的30A公路将开发项目一分为二。 (上图)由相连的庭院房屋构成连续的街道墙说形成的典型步行街景观,(中图)卡利扎游泳池由Khoury &Vogt建筑事务所设计,是该镇的第一个娱乐设施。(下图)索默塞特大桥由霍里和沃格特建筑师事务所设计,横跨城市北缘的玛丽莲湖。别墅沿着湖的边缘排列,湖与松林保护区接壤,也是灌溉井水的水库。 (上图)位于城镇北端的大型公园,天然松树灌木保护区外围是经过修剪的草皮。(中图)典型的私人住宅庭院,有一个走廊与室内房间连接。庭院被装修成一个带有小型游泳池并具有典型热带风情的室外房间。(下图)沿着30A大道,可以看到这条东西走向的主干道将小镇的南北一分为二。这条公共道路已被改造成一条多车道的林荫大道,为当地车辆提供通往城镇街道的通道。