Day 18-美国人均寿命不断下滑,到底发生了什么?

Day 18-美国人均寿命不断下滑,到底发生了什么?

作者: ShirleyYi | 来源:发表于2018-12-27 12:20 被阅读27次

标题:Why life expectancy in America is down again?

Overall life expectancy in America fell fractionally in 2017

life expectancy  预期寿命

fractionally   adv.微小地;极少地

造句:Could you just move a fraction to the right?

           a fractional increase 

Underlying the drop was a bad year for influenza and a slight increase in the toll of Alzheimer's disease.

underlie    v. 是...的深层原因

造句:Psychological problems very often underlie physical disorders.

toll   (死亡、事故或灾难的)总数

influenza  流感  (flu)

overdose   n. 过量服药    an overdose of sleeping pills

The figures make dramatic reading. In 1999, suicide took the lives of 10.5 Americans out of every 100,000.

in the intervening years 

surged from 6.1 to 21.7

make (for) adj. reading  (文字、数据等)读起来怎么样

造句:The story made for interesting reading.

take (sb's) life  杀死某人       take one's own life  自杀

intervening   发生于其间的

surge  v.激增,徒增,剧烈上升

historical / historic high  历史新高

But drug-overdose rates, which were well below five per 100,000 people between 1950 and 1990, climbed above that rate by the turn of the century, and then spiked dramatically, reaching above 20 deaths per 100,000 people in 2017.

the turn of sth.  转变时期;转折点


climb  (广义上的)上升 = raise 

surge    陡然上升

spike    通常指在下跌前上升至非常高

... points to the importance of public health efforts to control the opioid epidemic.

The recent experience of Dayton, Ohio backs him up: over the past year, opioid deaths have more than halved. 

point to  指出(重要性)

opioid epidemic 阿片类药物过量,比如:吗啡

epidemic 疾病的流行  a gun epidemic, the gun epidemic

halve  v.减半

back sb up  支持某人,为某人作证

Medicaid (美国面向穷人的)医疗补助制度

new legislation made it through Congress

... and help rein in the over-prescription of opioids

make it through ... 通过,熬过,挺过难关

rein in 抑制,控制

over-prescription (没有必要的)开药过量




      本文标题:Day 18-美国人均寿命不断下滑,到底发生了什么?
