Day 6

作者: lucialin | 来源:发表于2018-06-09 23:57 被阅读0次

Day 6


User-data business


To tackle these problems, they have a radical proposal. Rather than being regarded as capital, data should be treated as labour-and, more specifically, regarded as the property of those who generate such information, unless they agree to provide it to firms in exchange for payment. In such a world, user data might be sold multiple times, to multiple firms, reducing the extent to which data sets serve as barriers to entry.


Payments to user for their data will help spread the wealth generated by AI. Firms could also potentially generate better data by paying.


Rather than guess what a person is up to as they wander around in a shopping centre, for example, firms could ask individuals to share information on which shops were visited and which items were viewed, in exchange for payment.



      本文标题:Day 6
