App Store 审核 金融App 3.2.1被拒及其他23种

App Store 审核 金融App 3.2.1被拒及其他23种

作者: Keko9527 | 来源:发表于2018-07-12 17:08 被阅读14243次


    对于App Store来说,卡APP无非参照两点,一是用户体验,二是当地政策法律。大部分马甲包的上架难,无疑就是第一种所致。而贷款类、理财类、彩票类的APP上架,主要都是政策原因导致。









    增值电信业务经营许可证查询链接: https://tsm.miit.gov.cn/pages/home.aspx





    综合以上,目前金融类App,只要没有正规资质的,如果想要上架App Store,那套壳会是一种最稳妥的上架方式。









    这里给大家收集整理了常见的 App Store 审核被拒的23个理由,并且附上官方拒绝理由原文,供大家上传应用时对照检查。

    应用被拒分为两种:Binary Rejected 和 Metadata Rejected。前者需要重新上传应用并且重新排队,后者只需要修改信息,不需要重新上传应用。


    iOS 应用的版本更新必须通过 App Store进行,自身 App 内不能包含提示更新功能。从2015年3月起,所有包含检查更新功能的 App 都会被拒绝上架。


    Your app includes an update button oralerts the user to update the app. To avoid user confusion, app version updatesmust utilize the iOS built-in update mechanism. We’ve attached screenshot(s)for your reference.

    Next Steps

    Please remove the update feature from yourapp. To distribute a new version of your app, upload the new app binary versioninto the same iTunes Connect record you created for the app’s previous version.Updated versions keep the same Apple ID, iTunes Connect ID (SKU), and bundle IDas the original version, and are available free to customers who purchased aprevious version.


    接入第三方登录要检测是否安装了第三方客户端,未安装时不要显示对应按钮。2015年9月之前,通常可以采用判断未安装则隐藏登录按钮的方式。但目前隐藏按钮的方式也可能被审核拒绝,QQ 和微博提供了 web 登录的方式,如果判断未安装,需要允许用户使用 webview 的登录方式。苹果在条款中有声明不允许 iOS 应用的正常使用需要依赖另外一个 App。


    We noticed that third-party app QQ/WeChatis required to use third-party authentication method. The user should be ableto login without installing additional applications.

    Next Steps

    If you choose to support third-partyauthentication, please use methods that can authenticate users from within yourapp, such as a native web-view.


    从2014年2月起,Apple 开始拒绝采集 IDFA (identifier for advertising) 却未集成任何广告服务的应用进入 App

    Store。如果 App 本身没有广告,ASO100.com  建议可以在审核的时候显示一个 Banner 广告,并且放在比较明显的位置,审核通过后关掉即可。


    We found that your app uses the iOSAdvertising Identifier but does not include ad functionality. This does notcomply with the terms of the iOS Developer Program License Agreement, asrequired by the App Store Review Guidelines.

    Specifically, section 3.3.12 of the iOSDeveloper Program License Agreement states:

    "You and Your Applications (and anythird party with whom you have contracted to serve advertising) may us theAdvertising Identifier, and any information obtained through the use of theAdvertising Identifier, only for the purpose of serving advertising. If a userresets the Advertising Identifier, then You agree not to combine, correlate,link or otherwise associate, either directly or indirectly, the priorAdvertising Identifier and any derived information with the reset AdvertisingIdentifier."

    Please remove the iOS AdvertisingIdentifier from your app or add ad functionality to your app.


    如果你的 App 内有发帖等UGC(用户产生内容)功能,必须提供用户协议,并留有内容举报功能,否则就会被审核拒绝。


    We found your app enables the display ofuser-generated content which may become sexually explicit. Therefore we askthat you put the following precautions in place, to ensure your app remains incompliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

    Use Moderators to flag and removeinappropriate content

    Require that your users agree to terms(EULA) and these terms must be clear that there's no tolerance forobjectionable content

    Users need a way to flag or reportobjectionable content and users generating this content

    Developer must act on objectionable contentreports within 24 hours by removing the content and ejecting the user whoprovided the offending content

    Developer needs a method for ejecting userswho violate the terms of the EULA

    Please keep in mind that it is not

    sufficient for the user to report an issue through a general user feedback / 反馈orlike/dislike feature of the app. Please ensure that the contents that maybecome objectionable have a reporting or flagging mechanism readily accessibleby the user to allow the user to promptly report or flag the issue and clearlyidentify the offending content.


    应用程序的名称、描述、截图或者预览与应用的内容和功能不相关将会被拒绝。有 App 因为应用截图使用的是自己设计的插画而被审核拒绝。


    We noticed that your marketing screenshot(s)do not sufficiently reflect your app in use.We've attached screenshot(s) foryour reference.

    Next Steps

    Please revise your screenshots todemonstrate the app functionality in use.




    Your app arbitrarily restrict users byrequiring invitation code to register, which is not allowed on the App Store.We’ve attached screenshot(s) for your reference.

    Next Steps

    Please revise your app to remove anyfunctionality that limits who can use the app.


    一直以来,苹果都不允许iOS开发者在进行软件描述时提到 Android 版本,而自从2015年4月起,在 App 内、截图等任何地方提到安卓、Android 的文字、图标、系统界面都会被拒。曾经有电商 App,因为出现了售卖三星安卓手机而被拒。。。


    We found that your app and/or its metadatacontains inappropriate or irrelevant platform information, which is not incompliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

    Specifically, your app mentioned otherplatforms, such as Android.

    Providing future platform compatibilityplans, or other general platform references, is not appropriate in the contextof the App Store. It would be appropriate to remove this information.


    App 里有实物奖励的话,不能使用苹果产品(例如 iPhone 、iPad 等)作为奖品。另外一定要声明“奖励由本公司提供,与苹果官方无关”。


    Your app includes a contest or sweepstakesbut it does not:

    Indicate that Apple is not involved in anyway with the contest or sweepstakes.

    Next Steps

    It is necessary to:

    Include official rules of the contest orsweepstakes in the app

    Include an explicit statement in thecontest or sweepstakes rules specifying that > Apple is not a sponsor

    Ensure that the contest or sweepstakeprizes are not Apple products




    We found that your app offers In-AppPurchase/s that can be restored but it does not include a “Restore” feature toallow users to restore the previously purchased In-App Purchase/s.

    To restore previously purchased In-AppPurchase products, it would be appropriate to provide a “Restore” button andinitiate the restore process when the “Restore” button is tapped.


    对于资讯等 App,在没有进行与用户信息相关的操作时,却强行让用户登录,甚至不登录就无法看到任何内容,有可能会被拒绝。


    We noticed that your app requires users toregister with personal information to access non account-based features. Appscannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app content andfeatures that are not associated specifically to the user.

    Specifically, your app forces users tologin before they can read the news.

    We features that your app requires users toregister or log in, prior to accessing non account-based features. Apps cannotrequire user registration or login prior to allowing access to app content andfeatures that are not associated specifically to the user.

    Next Steps

    User registration that requires the sharingof personal information must be optional or tied to account-specificfunctionality. Additionally, the requested information must be relevant to thefeatures.

    11、iPhone 应用在 iPad 上不能正常显示

    iPhone程序必须不经修改就能以iPhone分辨率和2倍iPhone 3GS的分辨率在iPad上运行。即使你的App 只为 iPhone 用户提供,在 iPad 上也必须能够正常显示,否则审核会被拒绝。


    We noticed that your app did not run atiPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 9.1, which is a violationof the App Store Review Guidelines. We’ve attached screenshot(s) for yourreference.

    Specifically, the buttons at the bottom ofthe app are inaccessible when running on iPad.

    Next Steps

    Please revise your app to ensure it runs atiPhone resolution on iPad.


    对于视频、音乐、图书类的应用很容易因为这一条而被拒。另外 ASO100.com 建议应用内最好不要出现第三方的商标,例如运营商的Logo、影视公司的 Logo 等。


    We found that your app allows users todownload music without authorization from the relevant third-party sources.

    We’ve attached screenshot(s) for yourreference.

    Next Steps

    Please provide documentary evidence of yourrights to allow music or video content download from third-party sources. Ifyou do not have the requested permissions, please remove the music or videodownload functionality from your app.


    Your app includes content or features thatresemble a well-known, third-party mark, Fox . We’ve attached screenshot foryour reference.

    Pursuant to your agreement with Apple, yourepresent and warrant that your application does not infringe the rights ofanother party, and that you are responsible for any liability to Apple becauseof a claim that your application infringes another party's rights. Moreover, wemay reject or remove your application for any reason, at our sole discretion.

    Accordingly, please provide documentaryevidence of rights to use this content. Once Legal has reviewed yourdocumentation and confirms its validity, we will proceed with the review ofyour app.




    We found that your app contains contentthat many audiences would find objectionable, which is not in compliance withthe App Store Review Guidelines.

    Specifically, we noticed your app name 打飞机-简单粗暴isobjectionable.

    We encourage you to review your app contentand evaluate whether you can modify the content to bring it into compliancewith the Guidelines.

    14、应用出现 beta版、测试版字样



    Your app appears to be a pre-release, test,or trial version with a limited feature set. Apps that are created fordemonstration or trial purposes are not appropriate for the App Store and donot comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.

    To ensure compliance with the App StoreReview Guidelines, it would be appropriate to revise your app to complete,remove, or fully configure any partially implemented feature(s).

    If you would like to conduct beta trial foryour app, you may wish to review the TestFlight Beta Testing Guide.


    如果应用包含注册功能,注册页面必须提供隐私说明协议按钮或者链接。另外在 iTunes connect 提交新版本的时候,Privacy Policy URL 必须要填写。


    We noticed that your app includes accountregistration or access to users’ existing accounts but does not include aprivacy policy, which does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.

    Please update your app metadata to includea privacy policy and ensure that the privacy policy URL you provide directs theuser to the intended destination.


    审核期间出现崩溃会导致审核被拒。 ASO100.com 建议,在审核期间务必保证服务器稳定,避免审核人员审核时出现内容加载失败的情况,导致被拒。


    We discovered one or more bugs in your appwhen reviewed on iPhone running iOS 8.1.2 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.Specifically, no content is fetched whenusers launch the app.Please see the attached screenshot/s for more information.It would be appropriate to revise suchissue(s) in your application.

    Next Steps

    Please run your app on a device to identifythe issue(s), then revise and resubmit your app for review.




    We found that your app did not achieve thecore functionality described in your marketing materials or release notes, asrequired by the App Store Review Guidelines.Specifically, your app does not include thefeature of 微信朋友圈分享that is written in your release note.It would be appropriate to revise your appto ensure this feature is fully implemented or to revise your ApplicationDescription, Release Notes, and/or screenshots to remove this content.




    The 应用推荐 feature in yourapp displays or promotes third-party apps, which violates the App Store Review

    Guidelines. We’ve attached screenshot(s) for your reference.

    Next Steps

    Please remove the 应用推荐featurefrom your app.




    We noticed that your app providespotentially inaccurate diagnostic functionality for iOS devices to the user.

    We’ve attached screenshot(s) for yourreference.

    Next Steps

    Currently, there is no publicly availableinfrastructure to support iOS diagnostic analysis. Therefore your app mayreport inaccurate information which could mislead or confuse your users. Weencourage you to review your app concept and incorporate different content andfeatures that are in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.




    We found that your app did not achieve thecore functionality described in your marketing materials or release notes, asrequired by the App Store Review Guidelines.Specifically, the app has a whole contentswap from a Game app to a Mobile Data Tracking app, which does not provide agood user experience when updating the app.It would be appropriate to revise your appto ensure this feature is fully implemented or to revise your ApplicationDescription, Release Notes, and/or screenshots to remove this content.If your iTunes Connect Application State isRejected, a new binary will be required. Make the desired metadata changes whenyou upload the new binary.




    Your app contains content - or facilitates,enables, and encourages an activity - that is not legal in all of the locationswhere the app is available. Specifically, your app is advertised as a platformto provide paid companionship services.We’ve attached screenshot(s) for yourreference.

    Next Steps

    We encourage you to review your app conceptand incorporate different content and features that are in compliance with theApp Store Review Guidelines.





    We found that the Seller and/or Artistnames associated with your app do not reflect the name of the financialinstitution in the app and/or its name and metadata.To be appropriate for the App Store, yourapp must be published under a Seller name and Artist name that reflects thefinancial institution brand, as required by the iOS Developer Program LicenseAgreement.

    Section 1.2:

    "You" and "Your" meansand refers to the person(s) or legal entity (whether the company, organization,educational institution, or governmental agency, instrumentality, ordepartment) using the Apple Software or otherwise exercising rights under thisAgreement. For the sake of clarity, You may authorize contractors to developApplications on Your behalf, but any such Applications must be submitted underYour developer account.

    If you have published these apps on behalfof a client, it would be appropriate for your client to enroll in the iOSDeveloper Program, then add you to their development team so you can develop anapp for them to submit under their developer account.




    We found that your app only provides a verylimited set of features. It only provides an augmented reality reader mechanismwith no other functionality. While we value simplicity, we consider simplicityto be uncomplicated - not limited in features and functionality.

    We understand that there are no hard andfast rules to define useful or entertaining, but Apple and Apple customersexpect apps to provide a really great user experience. Apps should providevaluable utility or entertainment, draw people in by offering compellingcapabilities or content, or enable people to do something they couldn't dobefore or in a way they couldn't do it before.

    We encourage you to review your app conceptand evaluate whether you can incorporate additional content and features to bein compliance with the Guidelines. For information on the basics of creatinggreat apps, watch the video The Ingredients of Great Apps.If you feel we didn'tunderstand the features of your app, or that we missed key functionality, andyour app was incorrectly rejected, you may appeal to the App Review Board.




      • 龙测科技:最简单的 就是不要做假 按要求来
      • 此时_此景:对小白还有的用,真正上过架的,看了,还是太简单,重点的没有细说,其实还是在宣传自己,找金主
      • 雨阳共舞:不知道有多少人,默默的看着手机,翻着评论,而这一秒,你刚好看到我的评论,陌生人,你好,祝你幸福快乐!
      • 尉迟骞信:大佬该我们膜拜
      • f8eb3eac661a:我一直在看你们说有资质的账号,问题是什么是有资质的账号,去哪里弄有资质的账号不说一下的么
        Keko9527:@洁简 别出了,银行账号不管用了。
      • 7c5b900d1390:请问下对于金融类的APP 如果公司有了金融许可证,公司的经营范围限制会不会影响APP的上架?谢谢!
      • 3a5673eab5dc:有小贷金融批复,没有金融许可证和icp备案能上架么
      • 64e78846c5db:您好,请问您一下,单开接口通过参数值来控制苹果审核时和审核通过后的展示信息就是俗话说的套壳吗
        Keko9527:@欧巴已然不再 不完全是。
      • 67cf4131199d:大神,我们是理财类的APP,现在找了一个村镇银行帮我们上架,如果上架成功后转到我们公司的账号下会被下架吗?
      • 凌云笑笑生:您好 :问一下的条款都要列出个word文档么 ?
        再次第6条.What is your responsibility in such case? Is such responsibility stated clearly in the Terms & Conditions? 这种不带金融公司的章可以么?
      • 小萌虎:哥们你们的用这个方法上线了吗? 我们最近不能上线看到请回复
      • 茜贝儿:你好 ,请问一下,比如某某网络科技有限公司,这个公司有金融外包的资质。。以这个公司账号去上架,也是不行的么? 还是说一定要金融类公司抬头的开发者账号去上架呢?
      • 6c5960de8267:小额贷款公司经营许可证属于金融许可证吗
      • 镜仙子:有金融许可证,却没有ICP,而苹果就要ICP,这样怎么过?
      • 6fbc485549ae:其实好多都是没有资质所以才纠结这个被拒的情况,老哥有没有好的建议,在没有资质的情况下,如何成功的上线。或者说没有资质就基本没什么戏?
      • 李家二大少爷:如果 开发中账号 是总公司的名字,但是只有全资子公司有工信部的那个增值电信业务经营许可证,应该app 主要是子公司在运营,这样会不会有问题?老哥
      • 情陷奥地利:没有金融许可证怎么上呀?很苦恼,现在还有和几家Android的平台,也要金融许可证了
      • 3c53c90f8d08:金融许可证目前国内没有任何一家网贷有吧,三月份备案之后才会产生,所以目前状况来说,只要被拒,在备案之前基本上都没戏了!
      • 老衲夜不归宿:不愧是大神噢~看的我一头雾水
      • 793660132bfa:有了金融许可证,就能过吧?没有这么复杂吧?
      • 2b9b5ea282bf:已提供了所以资质,现在回复是这样的:
        Thank you for your response.
        At your earliest convenience, please provide the receipt from finance governing authority proving the completion of your record filing process.
        We look forward to further communication.
        Best regards,
        App Store Review
        也不知道这是什么东西,财务收据? 请问知道怎么解决吗?
      • 94eb2ee37583:博主你好,我是银行账号发布的理财贷款类app,也是被当成第二种拒掉了,目前我们自己提供了营业执照,金融许可证,但是我们没有ICP许可证。提交过好多次,也跟苹果解释了好多次,依然被他们拒绝了,这种情况怎么处理比较好
      • 流苏的岁月:楼主,你好,我公司和别人公司合作发布理财,我们公司没有金融资质,如果关联合作公司账号,会不会主体被改变了,我的这种情况该怎么解决呢?
      • f6ce8bb29fb6:老哥现在公司app就是被卡在3.2.1的第二种了,但是整个业内的p2p都是在做合规备案,没有金融许可证的呀,这该咋办呢,每次提交都是要求提供营业执照和金融许可证
      • bde9cb0dfd39:如果 开发中账号 是总公司的名字,但是只有全资子公司有工信部的那个增值电信业务经营许可证,应该app 主要是子公司在运营,这样会不会有问题?老哥
      • 浴火之舞:您好,请问您是如何最终达成3.2.1条款过审的,谢谢。
      • 21a9c847b310:你这个与苹果沟通方式,是电话沟通还是邮件?
      • 指尖上的温柔:在A公司注册的开发者账号下上传B公司信息的APP,通过不了
      • 966d0bd74eaf:厉害我五月份还可以 过了三四个 六月份 就过了一个
      • 2e798c415900:看不懂,楼主要不帮我弄吧,最近弄的是真的心累了。
      • a0cf3f16d2bc:厉害了 我目前是五月份还可以 过了三四个 六月份 就过了一个
      • 2ae2a65e3de4:楼主,加你vx了
      • 2fc38fe3c4e6:感谢楼主的分享啊,希望能把我们公司的包搞成功了
      • 膜拜岳飞大将军:看完作者的长篇文章,深感同受我们也正遇到一样的问题。我们也不属于网贷app,但是就是送3.2.1大礼包。每次的拒绝理由一样要提供8大条。疯了~~

      本文标题:App Store 审核 金融App 3.2.1被拒及其他23种
