Reading notes of The way to Fina

Reading notes of The way to Fina

作者: 星空下的可丽饼 | 来源:发表于2016-12-19 15:50 被阅读0次

  Today,I have reviewed the article 'why I open this column?',Lesson 1 of 'The way to Fianancial Freedom',which is authored by Mr.Li Xiaolai.There are three points.

  First,practice is the core of change.It is true to know the correct principles and then  follow them.However,there are a large amount of people who know the truth but don't act.  

    Second,be a friend with time.lf you want to be better and better,you must rely on accumulating.If you want to have a accumulation in English,you should use English instead of studying it.

   Third,the efficiency of earning money is due to your action efficiency,which is due to your thinking quality .In the last analysis,only the upgrading of concepts can make our thinking more quality and our action more efficient.


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