Brenden Rodriquez现在已经是美国哈佛大学的大一新生了,现在的他每天都为自己的医学课程忙的焦头烂额!
怎样才能写出这么一篇Eassy呢?Brenden Rodriquez着了急,不过他也一直都在努力学习如何写出一篇优秀的大学申请eassy!最后他的努力没有白费,他拿出了一篇顶级优秀的大学申请eassy,并通过这篇eassy顺利的拿到了哈佛大学,耶鲁大学,MIT以及弗吉尼亚大学的Offer!
在Brenden Rodriquez申请eassy里,Brenden Rodriquez巧妙地将自己的两大兴趣爱好——音乐和数学结合起来,着重讲述这两种兴趣对他个人的塑造和提高!
Brenden Rodriquez表示,申请一所美国大学,不仅要学习成绩好,GPA高,课外活动各种简历要拿的出手,至关重要的还有大学申请eassy!如果拿不出一份够好的申请eassy,那么再优秀的学生也可能跟名校擦肩而过!
Brenden Rodriquez就是因为拿出了一份高质量的申请eassy才从60000多份的申请中脱颖而出,顺利被哈佛录取!
Brenden Rodriquez还分享了他的这篇高质量申请eassy供大家借鉴!
I think about the converging waves of the notes I play, the standing waves being created by plucking a string, and the physics behind the air pockets being forged that eventually find a listening ear whenever I sit down to play my bass. Thus, my passions of math and music synergistically become more together than they could ever be apart. I started thinking about this when a former math teacher of mine approached me one afternoon and asked me if I was interested in giving the induction speech at the Mu Alpha Theta induction ceremony. Being a member of the honor society and recounting the memorable induction speech given the year prior at my own induction, I wholeheartedly agreed. I decided on the topic of music and math because I play upright bass in the orchestra and electric bass in the jazz ensemble and being a math enthusiast, it is impossible for me not to see the mathematics and physics present in music.
At music’s core, math is present in the tempo and rhythm of a piece, with the time signature being represented as a fraction and the tempo being represented by a numerical value in beats per minute. The relationship between the two gets even more intriguing when applied to actual notes being played. The best sounding music is that which uses flawless mathematics. It is common knowledge that each note has a letter name—A through G—but also has a number value, measured in hertz. An A4 for instance is 440 hertz. In Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata,” there exist triads in triplet form. These triads are made up of D, F#, and A. Since sound is a vibrational energy, notes can be graphed as sine functions. When the triad notes are graphed, they intersect at their starting point and at the point 0.042. At this point the D has gone through two full cycles, the F# two and a half, and the A three. This results in consonance, something that sounds naturally pleasant to the ear. Thinking about this opened my eyes to all the aspects of my life with which I utilize math to enhance.
There is also an incredible amount of unseen math present in football. At 5 foot 10 inches and 160 pounds with pads on, I fall short of the average player at my position who is usually at least 6 feet tall and well over 200 pounds, so applying math to football is intellectually stimulating, but is more importantly a survival mechanism. When I have to go up against an opponent who is over twice my size and looks like he eats freshmen for lunch, brute force is not on my side and it helps having equations for momentum and attack angle running through my head. Math not only helps me survive, but also thrive. As an opponent running back is darting down the sideline with seemingly cheetah-like speed, I can trust that my angles and velocity will allow me to make the play and possibly save a game-changing touchdown. Or when a ball is sailing through the air caught in the stadium lights, I can picture a projectile motion problem with constant acceleration downward and a near constant velocity in the x-direction, and know that I have a leg up on the player next to me who does not think about it the way I do. When I look at aspects of my life in a math context, they make more sense and make things that I love even better and more enjoyable.