记得上次背课文是初二了。。。。事隔 6年又背课文 今天围绕北区操场走了10圈+才把课文背下来。。。。本以为操场大声喊没人管我 没想到还是很多人认识我。。。。
When we dreams, We have a perfect chemical canvas for instance visions
Alice robob is a America science journalist who was writen for the washton post and the repulic. her new book , <why we dream >encourage us to rethink the importance of dreams.to become the dream interpreter ourselves .
Recently,there is been a massive interest in the science of sleep.the sleep play a role in maintaining our mental healthy, are dreams parts of that process.
the dreams play a big role in helping us cope with stress grief and trauma .dreams is an opportunity to work through the things that frighten us in real life;to play out worst-case -scenarios in a environment where they hava no consequences.
has anyone explained why the dreams contains such surreal elements,weird collages of time people geography and so on
when we dreams.the logic centres of our brain -the frontal lobes.go dark,chemical associated with self-control drop.at the same time, the motion centers light up,we have a perfect chemical canvas for dramatic psychologically intense visions.
you say neglecting to consider our dreams is like throwing up the gift from our brain without bothering to open it. what is the gift?
when we are dreaming,we thinking in a state that we never have access to by day,dreams offer the opportunity to think in a different way and show us the new answers to problems.they show us bind spots, help us home in on things we might be neglecting in our personal life.
生词:canvas intense journalist interpreters maintain grief trauma explain geography bothering neglecting worst-case-scenarios weird collages of
觉得厉害的句子: xxxx,encourages us to recently there is been a massive interest in
xxx play a big role in xxxing
xxx is like yyy
今天 是 2019 年 7月 3日。 刚刚竟然不小心写成了2017年,2017年时候觉得2013年是四年前的故事。现在想想2017 年已经三两年前了。
可是过去两年 我依旧对自己所选择的生活方式怀疑。做一只特立独行的猪自己感觉起来很酷。但我也挺害怕自己什么事都做不好。 在这个环境下没有碰到很三观很相同的朋友。 反而对很多人偏见被很多人影响。
没有考到专业第一 没有脱单 没有做出很了不起的作品 没有拿到什么大奖 总是在关键时候掉链子。
但是从另一个角度想想 我一直在朝着我来到这所学校时的目标前进 并且一切都在可控范围内 我就又觉得充满希望。
我用四年做一件事 全心全意 无怨无悔。