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Corporate Finance (4th): Chapter

Corporate Finance (4th): Chapter

作者: stata连享会 | 来源:发表于2018-04-06 17:27 被阅读142次

    Stata 现场培训报名中

    下面是公司财务课程教材中部分范例的 Stata 实现代码,以便大家对相关的概念和计算方法有更深入的理解。

    • 教材:Berk, Jonathan, and Peter DeMarzo, 2014. Corporate finance (4th, Golbal Edition), Pearson Press.

       global path "D:\stata15\ado\personal\CF10\chp11"
       cd "$path"
    *- Table 11.1  
    *  Returns for Three Stocks, and Portfolios of Pairs of Stocks 
      input year NorthAir WestAir TexOil
            2007  0.21     0.09  -0.02
            2008  0.30     0.21  -0.05
            2009  0.07     0.07   0.09
            2010 -0.05    -0.02   0.21
            2011 -0.02    -0.05   0.30
            2012  0.09     0.30   0.07
      tsset year
      *-Stock Returns
        sum N W T
      *-Portfolio Returns 
        gen P_NW = 0.5*N + 0.5*W 
        gen P_WT = 0.5*W + 0.5*T
        list, sep(0) noobs
        sum P_NW P_WT
      save "CF_tab_11_1.dta", replace   


    .     list, sep(0) noobs
      | year   NorthAir   WestAir   TexOil    P_NW   P_WT |
      | 2007        .21       .09     -.02     .15   .035 |
      | 2008         .3       .21     -.05    .255    .08 |
      | 2009        .07       .07      .09     .07    .08 |
      | 2010       -.05      -.02      .21   -.035   .095 |
      | 2011       -.02      -.05       .3   -.035   .125 |
      | 2012        .09        .3      .07    .195   .185 |
    .     sum P_NW P_WT
        Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
            P_NW |          6          .1    .1207477      -.035       .255
            P_WT |          6          .1    .0507937       .035       .185

    Table 11.2 Computing the Covariance and Correlation between Pairs of Stocks

    Table 11.2
    *-Table 11.2   
        use "CF_tab_11_1.dta", clear
        corr North West, cov
        corr West  Tex , cov
        corr North West
        corr West  Tex  
        *-verify by hand
          egen N_avg = mean(North)
          gen  N_div = North - N_avg
          egen W_avg = mean(West)
          gen  W_div = West - W_avg
          gen  N_x_W = N_div*W_div
          sum N_x_W
          scalar Cov_NW = r(sum)/(6-1)
          dis Cov_NW
    *-Extention: Graphing the effects of protfolio
      twoway (connect North year, lw(thick)  lc(blue))   ///
             (connect West  year, lw(thick)  lc(black))  ///
             (connect Tex   year, lw(thick) lc(yellow*2)) ///
             , legend(row(1))   
         graph export Tab11_1_Fig_NWT.png, replace 
      twoway (connect North year, lw(thick) lc(blue))    ///
             (connect West  year, lw(thick) lc(black))   ///
             (connect P_NW  year, lw(vthick) lc(red))    ///
             , legend(row(1))   
         graph export Tab11_1_Fig_NWP.png, replace
      twoway (connect Tex   year, lw(thick)  lc(yellow)) ///
             (connect West  year, lw(thick)  lc(black))  ///
             (connect P_WT  year, lw(vthick) lc(red))    ///
             , legend(row(1))            
         graph export Tab11_1_Fig_WTP.png, replace  
      *-correlation matrix
         logout, save(corr0) excel replace: ///
            pwcorr_c North West Tex, format(%3.2f)  

    Figure 11.2 Volatility of an Equally Weighted Portfolio Versus the Number of Stocks

    Figure 11.2
    *-Figure 11.2   
    * Volatility of an Equally Weighted Portfolio
    * Versus the Number of Stocks
      local sd1 = 0.40
      local sd2 = 0.40
      local rho = 0.28  // 更改这里的相关系数 -0.2,0.5,1.1
      local N = 50     // 股票数量
      set obs `N'
      gen n = _n
      gen SD_Rp = sqrt(1/n*`sd1'^2 + (1-1/n)*(`rho'*`sd1'*`sd2'))
      line SD_Rp n, ylabel(,angle(0) format(%4.2f)) xmtick(##5) ymtick(##5) ///
                    lw(*2.5) xline(30, lc(green) lw(*1.5) lp(dash)) ///
                    text(0.3 `=`N'-10'  "rho = `rho'", size(*1.5)) xlabel(,angle(0))
      graph export Fig_11_2.png, replace



    Table 11.4 Expected Returns and Volatility for Different Portfolios of Two Stocks

    Table 11.4
    *-Table 11.4    
      clear all
      scalar RI  = 26
      scalar RC  = 6
      scalar sdI = 50
      scalar sdC = 25
      forvalues xi = 1(-0.1)0{         // weight of Intel
         local xc  = 1-`xi'            // weight of Coca-cala
         local Rp  = `xi'*RI + `xc'*RC // the return of portfolio
         local SDp = sqrt(`xi'^2*sdI^2 + `xc'^2*sdC^2 + 0)
                                       // the valotility of portfolio
         mat A = (nullmat(A) \ `xi', `xc', `Rp', `SDp') 
      *mat list A
      svmat A, names(x)
      renvars x1-x4 / xI xC Rp SDp
      format x*  %2.1f
      format SDp %3.1f
      list, sep(0) noobs
      save data_Tab11_4.dta, replace

    Figure 11.3 Volatility Versus Expected Return for Portfolios of Intel and Coca-Cola Stock

    *-Figure 11.3  
    * Volatility Versus Expected Return
    * for Portfolios of Intel and Coca-Cola Stock
      use data_Tab11_4.dta, clear
      format SDp %3.0f
      cap drop label
      gen str10 label = "(0" + string(xI) + ", 0" + string(xC) + ")"
      replace label = "(1, 0)" if xI==1
      replace label = "(0, 1)" if xC==1
      twoway (connect Rp SDp if Rp<=10, lcolor(blue) lw(*2) mlabel(label))  ///
             (connect Rp SDp if Rp>=10, lcolor(red ) lw(*2) mlabel(label))  ///
             , ///
             xlabel(0(10)60, angle(0))  ///
             ylabel(0(5)30)             ///
             subtitle("Figure 11.3", position(11) box)     ///
             xtitle("Volatility (standard deviation), %")  ///
             xscale(titlegap(3))            ///
             ytitle("Expected Return (%)")  ///
             yscale(titlegap(3))            ///
             text(28 50 "Intel")            ///
             text( 4 24 "Coca-Cola")        ///
             text( 7 18 "Inefficicent" "Portfolios", size(*0.8) color(blue)) ///
             text(23 35 " Efficicent " "Portfolios", size(*0.8) color(red))  ///
      graph export "Fig11_3a.png", replace

    Figure 11.4 Effect on Volatility and Expected Return of Changing the Correlation between Intel and Coca-Cola Stock

    *-Figure 11.4 
    * Effect on Volatility and Expected Return of Changing the
    * Correlation between Intel and Coca-Cola Stock
      clear all
      set obs 101
      scalar RI  = 26
      scalar RC  = 6
      scalar sdI = 50
      scalar sdC = 25
      gen xi = (_n-1)/100
      gen xc = 1 - xi
      gen Rp = xi*RI + xc*RC
      forvalues rho = -1.0(0.1)1.0{
        if `rho'<0{
          local rr "_Neg_`=int(abs(`rho')*100)'"
          local rr "_Pos_`=ceil(`rho'*100)'"
        gen SDp`rr' =   sqrt(xi^2*sdI^2 + xc^2*sdC^2 ///
                      + 2*xi*xc*`rho'*sdI*sdC)
      twoway (line Rp SDp_Neg_100, color(blue*2.0) lw(*1.5))   ///
             (line Rp SDp_Neg_80,  color(blue*1.2) lw(*1.5))   ///
             (line Rp SDp_Neg_60,  color(blue*0.6) lw(*1.5))   ///
             (line Rp SDp_Neg_20,  color(blue*0.2) lw(*1.5))   ///
             (line Rp SDp_Neg_0 ,  color(red)      lw(*2))     ///
             (line Rp SDp_Pos_10,  color(red*0.2)  lw(*1.5))   ///
             (line Rp SDp_Pos_50,  color(red*0.4)  lw(*1.5))   ///
             (line Rp SDp_Pos_100, color(yellow*1.5) lw(*2.5)) ///
             ,                          ///
             xlabel(0(10)60)  ///
             ylabel(0(5)30, angle(0))   ///
             subtitle("Figure 11.4", position(11) box)     ///
             xtitle("Volatility (standard deviation), %")  ///
             xscale(titlegap(3))            ///
             ytitle("Expected Return (%)")  ///
             yscale(titlegap(3))            ///     
             text(28 50 "Intel")            ///
             text( 4 24 "Coca-Cola")        ///
             text(17 7  "Corrlation= -1", size(*0.9) color(black))  ///
             text(13 40 "Corrlation= +1", size(*0.9) color(black))  ///      
             plotregion(margin(0)) ///

    Figure 11.5 Portfolios of Intel and Coca-Cola Allowing for Short Sales

    *-Figure 11.5 
    * Portfolios of Intel and Coca-Cola 
    * Allowing for Short Sales
      clear all
      scalar RI  = 26
      scalar RC  = 6
      scalar sdI = 50
      scalar sdC = 25
      forvalues xi = 1.5(-0.1)-0.6{    // weight of Intel
         local xc  = 1-`xi'            // weight of Coca-cala
         local Rp  = `xi'*RI + `xc'*RC // the return of portfolio
         local SDp = sqrt((`xi')^2*sdI^2 + (`xc')^2*sdC^2 + 0)
                                       // the valotility of portfolio
         mat A = (nullmat(A) \ `xi', `xc', `Rp', `SDp') 
      svmat A, names(x)
      renvars x1-x4 / xI xC Rp SDp
      format x*  %2.1f  
      format SDp %3.0f
      twoway (line    Rp SDp if Rp<=6, lc(blue*0.5) lw(*2) lp(dot)) ///
             (connect Rp SDp if Rp<=10&Rp>=6, lc(blue) lw(*2))      ///
             (connect Rp SDp if Rp>=10&Rp<=26, lc(red ) lw(*2))  ///
             (line    Rp SDp if Rp>=26, lc(green) lw(*2.5) lp(dot))   ///
             , ///
             xlabel(0(10)80)  ///
             ylabel(-5(5)40, angle(0))   ///
             subtitle("Figure 11.5", position(11) box)     ///
             xtitle("Volatility (standard deviation), %")  ///
             xscale(titlegap(3))            ///
             ytitle("Expected Return (%)")  ///
             yscale(titlegap(3))            ///
             text(27 47 "Intel")            ///
             text( 5 18 "Coca-Cola")        ///
             text( 4 40 "Short Intel, " "Long Coca-Cola", size(*0.8) color(blue))  ///
             text(15 37 "Long Intel, " "Long Coca-Cola", size(*0.8) color(red))   ///
             text(27 69 "Long Intel, " "Short Coca-Cola", size(*0.8) color(pink))   ///
      graph export "Fig11_5.png", replace



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        本文标题:Corporate Finance (4th): Chapter
