

作者: 小燕_lillian | 来源:发表于2020-03-14 21:26 被阅读0次


    A company switches to an agile approach for project development with cross-functional teams,and assigns a project manager to a critical project.What should the project manager use to avoid any possibility of employees resigning?


    Conduct round-table discussions,workshops,workshops,and one-on-one meetings.


    Establish a committee to work on defining agile approaches.


    Ask the human resource department to become involved in the project to assist with employee management.


    Negotiate better salaries or project bounces for all project team members.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:pmbok6的342页9.4.2.8建设团队工具技术-会议:项目经理主要是为团队创造环境,提供支持并信任团队完成工作。


    A project manager discovers that there is no information on what department resources are required. What document should be updated with this information?


    Project charter


    Organizational chart


    Project management plan


    Risk management plan

    正确答案:C 你的答案:B

    解析:9.1 规划资源管理 资源信息应该包含在资源管理计划中,属于项目管理计划一部分。此题容易错选B,组织结构图也是一种资源信息,而不是一种文件。


    Team member on a project are using issue management procedures, but issue description are often completed incorrectly, which slows progress. The project manager has spoken with the team, but not improvement has been observe What should the project manager do?


    Create a subcommittee to improve the process for writing issue descriptions


    Track poor performers and address the issue at their next performance review


    Provide feedback to the team regarding the amount of rework that has resulted from this problem


    Increase the frequency of team inspections

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:9.5.2 管理团队:工具与技术 团队经常犯小错误且屡教不改,可能是不了解该错误带来的后果,所以应该提供反馈,以便大家重视并积极改正。排除法,A,不是流程问题;B“下次”没有及时解决问题,避免造成更多问题;C用后果说服他;D检查只能发现,不能防止。


    A new project manager assumes a project after its planning phase, what should the new project manager review To identify the team’s roles and responsibilities ?


    Organizational chart


    Resource management plan


    project charter


    Work breakdown structure (WBS)

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    A virtual team is working on a project for a customer with global presence. Due to organizational restructuring, the team will be reduced from 70 to 58 members. What should the project manager do?


    Co-location the remaining team members to enhance their ability to perform as A team


    Obtain additional funds to improve communication technology to build better understanding among team members


    Take preventive actions by updating the project management plan with the newly available information


    Update the work breakdown structure (WBS) and ensure that all activities are completed on time

    正确答案:B 你的答案:C



    One agile team has 11 team members who work together. They implement the work stably. In the ninth iteration, some team members quit the job and are taken over by the members in different geographical locations. What expectations should agile practitioner place on the new team?


    The team will experience the stage of formation and implement work at the speed the same with that of the previous project team


    Before the team implements work stably, the team will experience the stage of fluctuations and become standardized in the more frequent communication


    The team will handle and solve any possible team conflicts


    Team members will focus on their deliverable results and progress

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    A project manager receives two bids for the purchase of equipment.The procurement department insists on accepting the least expensive bid while the manufacturing department prefers to choose the best performing.but more expensive.equipment.To meet the project budget,the project manager selects the least expensive bid. What conflict management technique did the project manager use?









    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析: 人际关系与团队技能 冲突管理。 强迫/命令。以牺牲其他方为代价,推行某一方的观点;只提供赢—输方案。通常是利用权力来强行解决紧急问题,这种方法通常会导致“赢输”局面。赢输方式处理冲突,属于D。


    A procurement department notifies a project manager that the project management software has been updated.Team members have on experience working with this update,but will need the skills to complete the project.What should the project manager do?


    Request additional time to train resources.


    Update the resource management plan.


    Hire an external resource familiar with the update to complete the jo

     D:要求供应商提供主题专家(SME )来培训团队

    Ask the vendor to supply a subject matter expert(SME)to train the team.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:团队成员能力不够,要临时安排培训,首先要记录在资源管理计划中。 资源管理计划 作为项目管理计划的一部分,资源管理计划提供了关于如何分类、分配、管理和释放项目资源的指南。


    A project spans different countries and has a tight schedule.The company’s future success depends on meeting the deadline. What tool or technique should the project manager use to enhance the team’s ability to perform?


    Ground rules




    Virtual teams



    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:虚拟团队是团队建设工具,B不现实。不属于技能不足,所以不选D。 虚拟团队


    A subject matter expert (SME) with unique and critical skills will not accept the authority of the project manager. What should the project manager do first ?


    Meet with the SME line manager to resolve the conflict


    Review the project management plan with the SME to validate all team roles


    Ask the project sponsor to replace the SME


    Update the resource management plan and the risk register

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    A software development project deadline is approaching, the product cannot be delivered until it has been tested and passes by quality control, However, the developers are resisting the tests as they have a poor relationship with the quality control team. What should the project manager do?


    Analyze the impact of the impending delays and inform the client


    Immediately meet with both teams to ensure that quality standards are met


    Hire a subcontractor for to quality management tasks


    Update the quality management plan based on team inputs

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    During execution of a large software implementation project, the server administration team must set up the solution’s infrastructure. However, this team takes much longer than expected to complete the work, which extended the entire project schedule。As a result, the developers originally assigned to the project are unavailable. What should the project manager do?


    Discuss the resource constraints with stakeholders to identify options for changing the resource management plans


    Include the resource constraints in the next status report and update the requirements based on developers5 availability


    Use the resource constraints as justification to hire and train additional developers


    Include non-working days so that the project can be delivered within the originally defined timeline

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:解析:pmbok 9.3获取资源。获取资源的输入有9.3.3.4变更请求。如果获取资源过程中出现变更请求(例如影响了进度),或者推荐措施、纠正措施或预防措施影响了项目管理计划的任何组成部分或项目件,项目经理应提交变更请求,且应该通过实施整体变更控制过程(见 4.6 节)对变更请求进行审查和处理。由题干得知,此时的进度延误导致实现安排的资源无法使用,所以要尽快调整安排,先讨论影响来确定初步方案。排除法也可,B选项,“在下一个状态报告中”,由于题干中为提到状态报告的发生时间,因此在一下次的报告中再提及问题的话,可能会为时已晚。C选项,用制约因素作为其他要求的理由不妥,因首先想办法解决,而不是以制约因素当做理由去进行要求。D选项,包含非工作日指周末加班,按中国劳动法规定,周末加班双倍工资,此时首先要看公司是否同意,再者西方公司未必可行。


    A project manager is leading a critical project with an aggressive delivery date. Since some project team members are located in other countries, the project manager wants to ensure that roles, responsibilities, and work calendars are will define To what process should the project manager refer?


    Plan schedule management


    Plan resource management


    Plan risk management


    Plan communication management

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:PMBOK9.1 规划资源管理,资源管理计划中包含角色和职责,B生成资源管理计划。题目关键词希望确保明确定义角色,职责和工作日历,即为希望输出资源管理计划,对应为规划资源管理过程组。


    A project is in the final testing and acceptance stages at a customer's factory。To meet the project deadline,What tool or technique should the project manager use?








    Ground rules

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    Some key stakeholders have been replaced for various reasons since the project’s beginning, this was not properly communicated to the project team, which is causing frustration and will soon impact project results. What should the project manager do to improve the situation?


    Align stakeholder expectations


    Provide the team with an organizational chart


    Promote the interest of the project team


    Increase stakeholder commitment to the project

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:PMBOK9.1.3.1 项目组织图:项目组织图以图形方式展示项目团队成员及其报告关系。问题核心是换人了不知道,组织结构图显示团队成员及其汇报关系,可以解决该问题。


    During project execution,the project manager discovers delays due to team members taking vacations before the deliverables’due dates.What should have been updated to avoid this?


    Resource management plan


    Staffing management plan


    Communications management plan


    Risk management plan

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:PMBOK9.1 规划资源管理,资源日历支持项目日历,资源日历是资源管理计划的一部分。没有考虑资源休假,是资源管理计划没做好。


    A project team member decides that engaging the customer on some alternative designs is unnecessary if all functionalities are delivered The entire team decides only to engage the technical department on the designing for best product. After user acceptance testing, the customer complains about the selected design. To ensure that the customer accepts the project deliverables, what should the project manager do?


    Communicate to the customer that the project design is determined by the technical team.


    Ask the customer to accept the project deliverables, as they meet all agreed functional requirements.


    Ensure that both the customer and technical team collaboratively selects the new product design.


    Update the issues long with the design issue and continue with project execution.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:pmbok6的286页8.1.3.1质量管理计划-质量管理(包括产品设计),应倾听客户的声音(客户满意)。


    A project manager expected a vendor to complete testing of each component they produced,and was surprised to discover that no testing was done.To recover,the project team conducts a statistical sampling of the components. Where should the testing requirements have been recorded?


    Procurement management plan


    Quality management plan


    Contract changes documentation


    Requirements management plan

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P302-统计抽样。应将测试需求记录在质量管理计划中。


    A large project contains many phases that will be performed by subcontractors. Individual team members are each responsible for one phase. What should the project manager use to enforce the quality management plan?


    Quality metrics


    Quality audits


    Root cause analysis


    Cause-and-effect analysis

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P288-管理质量-审计。管理质量过程是把组织的质量政策用于项目,将质量管理计划转化为可执行的质量活动的过程。审计用于确定项目活动是否遵循了组织和项目的政策、过程与程序的一种结构化且独立的过程。


    A client is dissatisfied with a product's quality. The project manager receives a chart from the quality team indicating that a small number of sourced caused most of the problems, The quality team provided the project manager with which of the following?


    Scatter diagram


    Run chart


    Pareto diagram


    Control chart

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:大部分的问题是少数原因导致的,帕累托法则,二八法则。


    During testing, a team member escalates a quality defect to the project manager. While brainstorming with the team, the project manager realizes there is more than one cause of the problem. Which should the project manager use to identify the primary cause?


    Scatter diagram


    Statistical sampling


    ishikawa diagram


    qualitative risk analysis

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    During project execution,the client renegotiates pricing due to a downward industry trend and falling prices for their product,this results in a decrease in the project’s budget, the project manager determines that business processes followed in similar projects must be dramatically improved for the success of this one.What should the project manager do to identify areas for improvement?


    Examine the risk report


    Review the lessons learned


    Use the lean six sigma method


    Perform a cost-benefit analysis

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析: 质量改进方法 计划—实施—检查—行动和六西格玛是最常用于分析和评估改进机会的两种质量改进工具。此题是通过精益生产的方法降低成本,提高效率。


    A company launching a new product estimates that implementing a quality control system will cost $1 million, Expected failures and potential repair costs are estimated at US$500,000. What should the project manager propose?


    Factoring in the loss of reputation costs before making A decision


    Implementing a quality control system, as this is the cost of quality (COQ)


    Not implemented a quality control system, as the cost of nonconformance is less


    Implement a quality control system, as quality control is a best practice

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析: 数据分析 成本效益分析是用来估算备选方案优势和劣势的财务分析工具,以确定可以创造最佳效益的备选方案。成本效益分析可帮助项目经理确定规划的质量活动是否有效利用了成本。达到质量要求的主要效益包括减少返工、提高生产率、降低成本、提升相关方满意度及提升赢利能力。对每个质量活动进行成本效益分析,就是要比较其可能成本与预期效益。


    A project manager working on a straightforward project receives repeated complaints from the site manager about the quality of the design team’s construction drawings. The project manager wants to identify possible actions to ensure that this problem will not recur. What should the project manager do first?


    Review the quality reports


    Conduct a quality audit


    Perform a root cause analysis


    Create and analyze a causal-and-effect diagram

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:8.2.2 管理质量:工具与技术 一个具体问题反复出现,用根本原因分析能彻底解决问题,依据见PMBOK292页最后一段最后一行。 知识点扩充,注意区分“根本原因分析(YYHH图)”和“因果图(YY图)”


    During a project’s quality review , the team discusses necessary changes to the current quality management plan to meet stakeholder expectations. The current plan includes product-specific items and characteristic, but is missing a vital aspect. What should the project manager do to complete the quality management plan?


    Evaluate the delivery team’s performance


    Assess the product’s performance


    Consider the product grade


    Analyze the value provided to the customer

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析: 质量管理计划 题意中心思想是制定质量管理计划,且已有产品的质量标准(“包括特定产品的事项和特征”),那么就要开始考虑等级水平了。


    A project manager is working on a project with short and simple tasks and very skilled resources. During the testing phase, the project manager notices a high rate of failure and many defects.what should the project manager have done to avoid this?


    Implement a quality assurance plan


    Required that quality assurance was followed by all resources


    Conducted quality control tasks during the testing phase


    Employed six sigma procedures on all tasks

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    A Project managers learns that a product’s rejection rate high due to an unstable production process, what tool or technique will help the project manager to make a quick analysis and decide on corrective measures?


    Cause and effect diagram


    Control chart




    scatter diagram

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    During project execution, a high-performance team member leaves.Following this loss, a planned quality audit is conducted that indicates the work products quality standards are unmet. What should the project manager do next?


    Crash the schedule


    Create a causal-and-effect diagram


    Consult the resource management plan


    Perform a reserve analysis of the work performance data

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    A product fails to meet specifications.A stakeholder demands the replacement of the product and a correction to the production process.What tool or technique in the Plan Quality Management process should be used to determine the type and cost of this failure?


    Cost-benefit analysis


    Force field analysis


    Cost of quality(COQ)


    Expected monetary value(EMV)analysis

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:PMBOK8.1.3失败成本(内部/外部)。 因产品、可交付成果或服务与相关方需求或期望不一致而导致的相关成本。


    A customer emphasizes that the project output must meet IS014000 specifications. What should the project manager consult to understand the implications of this requirement?


    Quality management plan


    Cost baseline


    Scope management plan


    Requirements specifications

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    During deliverables verification, the project manager identifies several quality issues with differing impact levels. What basic quality tool should the project manager use to prioritize the issues?




    Pareto diagram


    Control chart


    ishikawa diagram

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    Due to an emergency, a team member assigned to an activity with two-day total float leaves a project, The could impact that activity and the overall project. The project team is already having difficulty achieving an upcoming milestone. After adding this to the issue log, what should the project manager do next?


    Evaluate the impact on the project and create options


    Update the risk register


    Request an additional resource


    Assign a resource from another activity that has more float

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:PMBOK8.2.2.7 定义问题;识别根本原因;生成可能的解决方案


    While creating a quality management plan, a project manager determines that the cost of prevention and quality assessment is very high, however, increasing the budget will not reduce the company's future failure repair costs. What should a project manager do?


    Revise the budget to increase preventive and quality appraised activities


    Maintain current quality activities


    Revise the budget to address failure costs


    Change the manufacturing process to reduce defects

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:pmbok p277-规划质量管理。规划质量管理的工具与技术中有质量成本,数据分析(p282),质量成本包括预防成本,评估成本和失败成本(内部/外部)。题目已经说到质量评估的成本非常高,但是也不会带来效益,如果得不偿失就不要进行了。


    While performing an earned value analysis(EVA), a project manager noticed that the cost performance index (CPI) is not what was expected. The project manager investigates and is unable to locate purchase orders or receipts for items used in the project. What should have been used to prevent this from occurring?






    Data analysis


    Risk management

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    During the close-out meeting the project sponsor slates that the project is a success based on its evaluating.A stakeholder disagrees because their requirements were unfilled.The project manager states that the stakeholder’s requirements were mentioned as project exclusions in the project scope statement What should the project manager do next?


    Ignore the stakeholder’s argument and continue the close-out meeting


    Propose conducting a project assessment to ensure that the project is complete


    Suggest using these requirements as scope for another project


    Add the issue to the issue log

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:注意,该相关方的需求是明确列为除外项,所以本项目坚决不考虑。排除D。 A,强迫,一般非紧急情况不采用。 B,妥协,此时没必要妥协。 C,缓和,保留双方的关系,以后在别的项目再考虑。当前最好的措施。


    A project has become to large that the single sponsor is replaced by a steering committee.What should the project manager do to accommodate the new development?


    Recognize that there is a change in stakeholders structure and tailor communications to this group


    Continue to work according to the initial plan while recognizing that the project now includes additional stakeholders.


    Organize a meeting for the team with the new steering committee and continue work on the project


    Share the current status report with the new committee

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:监督项目相关方关系,并通过修订参与策略和计划来引导相关方合理参与项目的过程。监督相关方参与输出包含更新相关方登记册、沟通管理计划。题目强调相关方结构发生变化,不是新识别相关方。 A,沟通是建立在相关方的基础上,相关方结构发生变化,沟通需求,上报步骤,信息流向等等都会发生变化。是必需的。 B,识别其他相关方,题目没有描述。不选 C,管理相关方参与。是可以的。 D,在A之后才能做。 优先级最高的是答案A。


    A project manager is developing the stakeholder engagement plan and identifies a stakeholder with a high level of power and a low level of interest in the project. How should the project manager deal with this stakeholder?


    Manage closely


    Keep informed




    Keep satisfied

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案 D 解析:权力/利益方格,对于权力大利益小的相关方,需要“令其满意 权力大利益大:重点管理 权力小利益小:监督 权力小利益大:随时告知


    A project manager joins a high-profile project that will create significant benefits for the company .The project sponsor tells the project manager that some key stakeholders disagree on the project’s benefits and may be resistant to working on it.What should the project manager do ?


    Develop a responsibility assignment matrix(RAM).


    Ask the sponsor to obtain support from the stakeholders.


    Meet with stakeholders to present the project.


    Update the stakeholder register with this information

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案 D 解析: 通过发起人的说明可以识别出目前关键相关方的信息,应将其更新至相关方登记册。 A属于规划资源管理的工具 B 选项错误排除 C 会议是识别相关方的一项工具,不能影响相关方


    A stakeholder believes that a recent project’s deliverables were not achieved.What should the project manager do to gain this stakeholder’s approval?


    Analyze this stakeholder’s needs and expectations and review the project scope.


    Review the project charter with this stakeholder.


    Examine the quality management plan with this stakeholder.


    Obtain the stakeholder’s new requirements and perform a risk analysis

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:相关方的期望没有实现,应该首先分析相关方的需求与期望、处理问题,并促进相关方参与。也可用排除法。题干中没有说明发生的质量问题和出现了风险,C,D排除。项目章程已确立,无需再和该相关人审阅,B排除。


    A stakeholder requests more frequent and detailed updates on the project’s status.The stakeholder also expresses interest in helping with the project. What should the project manager do next?


    Send detailed status reports as soon as possible and update the stakeholder register


    Include this stakeholder in all detailed project status communications and update the stakeholder’s engagement level to supportive


    Meet with the team to review the stakeholder register and reassess the roles and reporting requirements


    Update the detailed status report for all stakeholders with the same engagement level

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:相关方的期望发生了变化,首先应该登记与分析,C是最佳答案


    An factory expansion project is nearly 50 percent complete,when a group of local residents forms an activist group to protest it.What should the project manager do?


    Perform a stakeholder analysis,and adjust the stakeholder engagement plan accordingly


    Inform the project sponsor that the activist group represents a risk to the project schedule


    Meet with the activist group to add its requirements to:the project


    Educate the activist group on the benefits that the project will bring to the community

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    During a project's user acceptance stage,some user's complain that their expectations have been unmet.What should the project manager have done differently?


    Considered stakeholder feedback


    Conducted risk assessments


    Implemented conflict management techniques


    Established a professional relationship with the users

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:PMBOK(6)P523-13.3管理相关方参与。管理相关方参与是与相关方进行沟通和协作,以满足其需求与期望,处理 问题,并促进相关方合理参与的过程。在执行阶段管理相关方的期望,而并非到验收阶段才获取到相关方的意见。

    143、[单选]在每周一次的项目会议上,一位团队成员表示在修订一项可交付成果时,一名销售经理对客户服务过程做出一项重要评论,影响到整个项目。项目经理对销售经理参与项目可交付成果感到吃惊。 若要预防这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?

    During a weekly project meeting, a team member states that during a deliverable revision, a sales manager made an important remark regarding a customer care process that impacts the entire project. The project manager Is surprised that the sales manager is involved in the project deliverables. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?


    Improved the risk review meetings and developed the risk register.


    Performed a stakeholder analysis and developed the stakeholder engagement plan.


    Included functional team processes in the issue log and developed preventive.actions.


    Identified the scope of the project and informed the stakeholders

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:识别相关方是定期识别项目相关方,分析和记录他们的利益、参与度、相互依赖性、影响力和对 项目成功的潜在影响的过程。本过程的主要作用是,使项目团队能够建立对每个相关方或相关方群 体的适度关注。


    A project manager must manage potential conflicting stakeholders interests.The stakeholder engagement assessment matrix identifies an influential stakeholder who is resistant to the project. What should the project manager do to sign the stakeholder’s expectations?


    Create the stakeholder engagement plan.


    Communicate the stakeholder engagement plan.


    Meet with all stakeholders to gain consensus on project objectives.


    Updates the stakeholder register.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D 解析:相关方登记册有助于识别对质量有特别兴趣或影响的相关方,尤其注重客户和项目发起人的需求和期望。


    The project sponsor appoints a senior engineer to the steering committee to help oversee the project management plan.The engineer often disagree with the plans produced by the project team,and expresses critical concerns about the project management plan before it is submitted for approval. What should the project manager do?


    Inform the project sponsor that the engineer is delaying the planning process


    Review the project plan with the steering committee,and address any concerns that are raised by the engineer


    Conduct a private meeting with the engineer to understand and address their concerns


    Submit the project management plan,and address the engineer's concerns at a better time by following change management procedures

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:人际交往是通过与他人互动交流信息,建立联系。人际交往有利于项目经理及其团队通过非正式组织解决问题,影响相关方的行动,以及提高相关方对项目工作和成果的支持,从而改善绩效。


    A project that replaces critical applications will affect multiple internal and external services. During the planning process, project stakeholders with these services fail to commit to carrying out the agreed activities. How should the project manager improve the participation of the project stakeholders?


    To negotiate and communicate


    To report this to the Steering Committee


    To prepare a Probability and Impact Matrix


    To record this situation in the Problem Log

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:相关方没有按照既定的要求执行,导致项目出现了明显的偏差,需要通过谈判了解原因并纠正。


    The company's CEO visits a project once every six months. To ensure consistency with the CEO's expectations, which of the following items should the project team confirm?


    Register of Stakeholders


    (SOW)Statement of Work (SOW)


    Team Communication Template


    Project Forecast Document

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    The project manager identifies that project stakeholders have different requirements and expectations. What should the project manager do to ensure the success of the project?


    To use progress technology


    To create power/influence grids


    To perform risk analysis


    To define roles and responsibilities

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    While preparing the status report for stakeholders,the project manager discovers a negative cost variance for a project where 10 percent of their work has been completed What should the project manager do prior to meeting with the stakeholders?


    Forecast the estimate at completion(EAC).


    Initiate change control procedures.


    Put the project on hold until a response strategy is determine


    Use the contingency reserve.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P268-工作绩效信息。工作绩效信息对于使用挣值分析的项目,CV、CPI、EAC、VAC和TCPI将记录在工作绩效报告中。项目向相关方发布的状态报告不光要有偏差,还要有预测,让相关方能判断情况。选项B在启动变更程序之前,要综合考虑对进度、成本、范围的影响,应先分析,后启动变更。选项C,不应在项目中采取被动消极的策略。


    Due to sudden and extreme exchange rate fluctuations,the cost of imported project equipment has increased by 27 percent.What should the project manager do to mitigate this cost overrun?


    Absorb the additional cost using change control procedures.


    Fund the additional cost using the management reserve.


    Revise the cost baseline to reflect current conditions


    Subsidize the cost overrun with the contingency reserve.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:突然&极端提示了风险超出预期,需要动用管理储备。 管理储备不包括在成本基准中,但属于项目总预算和资金需求的一部分。当动用管理储备资助不可预见的工作时,就要把动用的管理储备增加到成本基准中,从而导致成本基准变更。



