

作者: 小燕_lillian | 来源:发表于2020-03-15 23:29 被阅读0次

    151、[单选]一个项目的完工预算本(BAC)100,000美元。目前的项目报告显示该项目符合进度和预算。一位团队成员对相关工作包进行自下而上的估算,表明剩余工作将比原计划少用10,000美元, 并且仍能按进度计划交付。 那么完工估算(EAC)是多少?

    A project’s budget at completion(BAC) is US$ 100,000. Current project reports show it is on schedule and on budget. A team member performed a bottom-up estimate of the relevant work package, which indicates that the remaining work will require US$10,000 less than originally planned and can still be delivered on schedule. What is the estimate at completion(EAC) ?









    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:预算10万,少用1万,就是用 9万就能完成。

    152、[单选]完成一项目任务所需的设备价格上涨了 50%。 项目经理首先应该怎么做?

    The price of equipment required to complete a project task increases by 50 percent., What should the project manager do first?


    Submit a change request for the approval of additional funds.


    Issue a change request to reduce the scope to maintain the original budget.


    Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine the impact on the budget.


    Negotiate a lower price with the supplier.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:价格大幅上涨,就存在值得不值得的问题了,要进行成本效益分析,分析影响。

    153、[单选]在估算项目成本时,项目经理与一位主题专家(SME)合作,该专家曾有低估交付项目需求所需工作的历史。然而,在所有其他领域,该主题专家是一位很好的贡献者,备受尊重,并且经常有相关方需要他。 若要主动减轻低估项目工作的风险,项目经理应该怎么做?

    While estimating project costs, a project manager works with a subject matter expert (SME) who has historically underestimated the effort necessary to deliver project requirements. In all other areas, however, the SME is a good contributor, well respected, and often requested by stakeholder. To proactively mitigate the risk of underestimation, what should the project manager do?


    Periodically review objectives and requirements with the SME during estimation and use other resources to review the submitted estimates.


    Notify project stakeholders that any estimates submitted by the SME must be increased by 20% percent.


    Ignore previous issues with estimates from this SME and continue with the process unchange


    Remove the SME from the project and request a resource who can provide more accurate estimates.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A。 解析:PMBOK(6),Page240,7.2成本估算。本题可使用排除法,A为正面应对,也很妥善;B直接增加20%的预算太片面;C和D 忽略或排除并没有解决问题。综上,选A。


    A project that should have been 80 percent completed by now is only 75 percent complete The total project budget is US$100,000 and the actual cost of work performed(ACWP)is US$72,000. What can be determined from this information?


    The project is under budget, has a schedule performance index(SPI)of 0.94,and a cost performance index(CPI)of 1.04.


    The project is over budget,has an SPI of 1.07, and CPI of 0.96.


    The project is over budget,has an SPI of 0.96, and CPI of 1.04.

     D:该项目低于预算,其SPI为0.94, CP1为0.96

    The project is under budget,has an SPI of 0.94, and CPI of 0.96.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:PV=8万,EV=7.5万,AC=7.2万,BAC=10万。 SPI=EV/PV=7.5/8=0.94<1 CPI=EV/AC=7.5/7.2=1.04>1 进度落后,成本节省。

    155、[单选]在一个价值100万美元的项目中途,项目经理进行挣值分析(EVA),分析显示计划价值(PV)为623,000美元,挣值(EV)为523,000美元,实际成本(AC)为643,000美元。 根据这些数字,项目的成本偏差(CV)和进度偏差(SV)分别是多少?

    In midway of a US$1 million project, the project manager conducts an earned value analysis(EVA). The analysis shows a planned value (PV) of US$623,000, an earned value (EV) of US$523,000, and an actual cost (AC) of US$643,000.Based on these numbers, what is the project’s cost variance (CV)and schedule variance(SV)?

     A:CV =+120.000美元,SV =+100,000美元

    CV = +US$120,000, and SV - +US$ 100,000

     B:CV =+100.000美元,SV =+120,000美元

    CV = +US$ 100,000, and SV - +US$ 120,000

     C:CV =-100.000美元,SV = -120,000 元

    CV = -US$100,000, and SV- -US$120,000

     D:CV = -120.000美元,SV = -100,000美元

    CV = -US$120,000, and SV--US$100,000

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D 解析:BAC=100万,PV=623000, EV=523000,AC=643000,CV=EV-AC=523000-643000=-120000, SV=EV-PV=523000-623000=-100000。


    Per an engineering project’s contract terms, payment are linked to the project’s percentage of the overall progress. The project manager must submit monthly progress reports to facilitate the invoicing process. As project team members report monthly on their assigned activities,what should the project manager do to maintain a healthy cash flow?


    Assign A team member to integrate the data


    Provide project reports


    Perform a quantitative analysis


    Apply earned value (EV) principle

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D



    Just prior to closing a project, the project manager conducted an earned value analysis (EVA). The analysis shows that the schedule performance index (SPI) is 0.7 and the cost performance index (CPI) is 1.0. What do these results indicate about the project?


    The project was behind schedule and within budget, but was canceled before all deliverables were finished


    The project was on schedule and over budget, but was canceled before all deliverables were finished


    All deliverables were finished, and the project was completed ahead of schedule and within budget


    All deliverables were finished, and the project was completed on schedule and over budget

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    The company's policy is to add a 5 percent contingency to each line item in the project budget, the financial department requirements a 10 percent contingency on a specific line item because it involves a new deliverables, A subject matter expert (SME) for this line item believes that a 15 percent contingency is more appropriate, The sponsor asks the project manager to reduce the average contingency across the budget to 3 percent,what contingency percentage should the project manager add to the specific line item?


    3 percent


    5 percent


    10 percent


    15 percent

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    159、[单选]项目经理正在执行一个涉及不同业务部门的全公司项目。在一次规划会议上,项目经理注意到每个部门的具体需求不能引起其他部门的兴趣,这影响到会议的质量。 若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?

    A project manager is running a company-wide project involving different business units.During a planning session, the project manager notices that each unit's specific requirements are of no interest to other units, which affects the quality of the meeting. What should the project manager use to resolve specific this?


    ishikawa diagram and requirements traceability matrix


    Focus groups and mind mapping


    Facilitation and affinity diagram


    Brainstorming and requirements traceability matrix

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:Pmbok P145 引导。引导与主题研讨会结合使用,把主要相关方召集在一起定义产品需求。研讨会可用于快速定义跨职能需求并协调相关方的需求差异。因为具有群体互动的特点,有效引导的研讨会有助于参与者之间建立信任、改进关系、改善沟通,从而有利于相关方达成一致意见。此外,与分别召开会议相比,研讨会能够更早发现并解决问题。

    160、[单选]一个设施改善项目即将完成。客户提供了批准,但注意到一些小缺陷并激活保修程序,客户现在对已移交的设备要求额外批准的范围。项目经理即将开始额外范围的工作。 由于保修程序已生效,项目经理应查阅哪一份计划?

    A facility improvement project is near completion. The client provided, but noted some minor defects and activated the warranty. The client now requests additional approved scope to equipment that has already been handed over. The project manager is about to start work on the additional scope. Since the warranty is in effect, what plan should the project manager consult?


    Quality management plan.


    Change management plan.


    Procurement management plan.


    Requirement management plan.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P169-项目管理计划。范围变更的指导计划,是项目管理计划——范围管理计划——变更管理计划。

    161、[单选]一家公司计划扩大其公司网站的服务范围。项目经理开始根据批准的项目章程收集详细的需求。 项目经理应该怎么做才能就项目的可交付成果达成一致意见?

    A company plans to expand the service scope of its corporate website. The project manager starts to collect detailed requirements based on the approved project charter. What should the project manager do to reach a group consensus on the project’s deliverabies?


    Conduct a focus group with stakeholders and subject matter experts(SMEs).


    Use facilitation skills with key stakeholders.


    Brainstorm with the stakeholders.


    Interview key stakeholders and sponsors to obtain additional information about requirements.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:Pmbok P145 5.2收集需求的工具和技术 引导与主题研讨会结合使用,把主要相关方召集在一起定义产品需求。研讨会可用于快速定义跨职能需求并协调相关方的需求差异。因为具有群体互动的特点,有效引导的研讨会有助于参与者之间建立信任、改进关系、改善沟通,从而有利于相关方达成一致意见。

    162、[单选]在项目执行期间,团队识别到几个变更请求,其中包括项目成功所需的功能,这些功能未能包含在需求跟踪矩阵中。 若要避免这种情况,项目经理事先应该做什么?

    During project execution, the learn identifies several change requests that include functionality needed for project success. These failed to be included the requirements traceability matrix. To avoid this, what should the project manager do beforehand?


    Created a work breakdown structure (WBS)


    defined the scope


    Validated the scope


    Controlled the scope

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P150-5.3 需求跟踪矩阵是定义范围的输出项。

    163、[单选]项目经理与相关方一起召开一次引导式研讨会,以收集产品需求并制定需求跟踪矩阵。系统开发人员无法参加该研讨会,但请求一份会议记录以审查和确认输出。看完会议记录后,系统开发人员反馈说列出的功能需求与用户的需求无关。 若要解决这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?

    A project manager facilitate a workshop with stakeholders to gather product requirements and develop a requirements traceability matrix. The system developer was unable to attend the workshop, but requested a copy of the minutes to review and validate the output. The system developer then provides feedback that the listed functional requirements do not make sense when competed against the user requirements. What should the project manager do to address this?


    Advice the system developer to attend the next review meeting.


    Inform the system developer to review the requirements with users.


    Update the requirements traceability matrix to include the relevant relationships of the requirements.


    Ask the system developer to submit a change request.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:Pmbok P148 需求跟踪矩阵 需求跟踪矩阵是把产品需求从其来源连接到能满足需求的可交付成果的一种表格。使用需求跟踪矩阵,把每个需求与业务目标或项目目标联系起来,有助于确保每个需求都具有商业价值。

    164、[单选]一家工程咨询公司的设计师已完成设计开发并发布设计用于生产,在核实可交付成果过程中发现设计标准发生了变化,已生产的可交付成果不符合新标准。 若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先实施哪个规划过程?

    A designer for an engineering consulting company has completes the design and releases it for production. During the deliverable verification process, it is discovered that the design standard was changed, and that the produced deliverable fails to comply with it. What planning process should the project manager have implemented to avoid this issue?


    Project Integration Management


    Control Quality


    Plan Scope Management


    Plan Quality Management

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    The project sponsor informs a project manager that even though a completed project was on schedule, within budget, and met scope requirements, the customer is unsatisfied with the final product. What should the project manager have done to avoid this?


    Scheduled more meetings while developing a quality management plan.


    Ensure that deliverables meet the requirements listed in the quality control measurements.


    Implement the Ishikawa diagram tool.


    Complete the requirements traceability matrix.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D



    An organization unit of a multinational corporation has a very large backing of product enhancements described as user stories on hold. The pending budget was approved last week. What should the newly assigned project manager do as part of initial procedures?


    Document the project life cycle and methodology requirements


    Prepare a schedule for all user stories


    Perform a risk assessment of at user stories


    Assign resource based on previous projects for the same product

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P145,敏捷项目管理先明确生命期类型和开发方法为适应型生命期项目,采用敏捷开发方法。明确第一个迭代的需求、用户故事和待办事项。


    A project manager meets with project stakeholders and team members to review the scope management plan,the approved charter,and other requirements documentation.Expert judgement and facilitation are used to develop a detailed description of the product required. What other input should the project manager use?


    Lessons learned register from previous projects


    Assumption log


    Stakeholder register


    Requirements traceability matrix

    正确答案:B 你的答案:A

    解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P150-5.3定义范围输入项目章程、项目管理计划、需求文件、假设日志、风险登记册等项目文件、事业环境因素和组织过程资产。选项A:过往的经验教训已经考虑到需求文档中了。 选项C:相关方登记册不是定义范围过程的输入。 选项D:需求跟踪矩阵不是定义范围过程的输入。


    A project manager assumes a project during its execution stage and wants to review the project scope for cost settlement.The project manager discovers that some deliverables were missed in the work breakdown structure(WBS).What should the project manager do first?


    Ask the stakeholders if these missed deliverables need to be added


    Request that the project management office(PMO) approve additional funds for this work


    Add the work to the WBS according to the 100 percent rule and recalculate the total project cost


    Ask subject matter experts(SMEs) to check whether these deliverables are necessary

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P167-5.6控制范围。监督项目和产品的范围状态,管理范围基准变更。在整个项目期间保持对范围基准的维护,且需要在整个项目期间开展。


    A project manager is assigned to an existing project and needs to understand the project deliverables. The project manager should refer to which of the following?


    Project charter


    Project requirements specification


    Project scope statement


    Project schedule

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C。 解析:PMBOK(6)P151-项目范围说明书包括了产品范围描述、验收标准、可交付成果、除外责任、制约因素和假设条件。


    While creating a procurement management plan, a project manager discovers that certain resources that exist within the organization are committed to other projects. What should the project manager do to meet this need?


    Perform a make-or-buy analysis.


    Create a work breakdown structure(WBS).


    Develop a risk register.


    Start negotiations for staff assignments.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P473-规划采购管理-自制或外购分析。制定自制或外购决策时应考虑的因素包括:组织当前的资源配置及其技能和能力、对专业技术的需求、不愿承担永久雇佣的义务,以及对独特技术专长的需求;还要评估与每个自制或外购决策相关的风险。


    The project manager is managing a $3 million project involving two vendors.The project manager created a Statement Of Work (SOW) for each supplier. Which of the following requires SOW information?


    Risk management plan




    Procurement management plan


    Supplier scope statement

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    A project manager is leading a team developing a new online banking application. After 23 months, the team has spent US$100,000 on development and has US$70,000 of the budgeted cost remaining. The targeted completion date is 12 months away, but the team expects completion in nine months. A team member identifies a proven off-the-shelf product that complies with all project specifications, can be purchased for US$60,000, and can be implemented within eight months. What should the project manager consider?


    The to-complete performance index(TCPI)


    Customer or project sponsor acceptance


    The amount already spent on development


    Make-or-buy analysis

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D。 解析:PMBOK(6)P473- 考虑直接购买现货还是自行开发完成,属于自制或外购分析。


    A project manager planning a large procurement activity wants to communicate with all prospective vendors before submitting a proposal. What tool or technique should the project manager use?


    Bidder conference


    Vendor bid analysis


    Make-or-buy analysis


    Procurement audit

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A。 解析:PMBOK(6)P487-投标人会议(又称承包商会议、供货商会议或投标前会议)是在投标书或建议书提交之前,在买方和所有潜在卖方之间召开的会议。


    During project execution, the project team finds repeated defects with a supplier’s deliverables. What should the project manager do?


    Perform a quality audit.


    Discuss the problem with the supplier’s senior management.


    Review the procurement agreement.


    Create a change request with the supplier.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P496,供应商的可交付成果重复出现缺陷问题,应优先按照协议里的相关条款给予处理


    A delivery teams was unable to keep its commitments due to frequent slippages from a key component vendor,The client is unhappy that requests continuous breach the service level agreements (sla),what should the project manager do to resolve this?


    Work with another vendor to deploy a new tool to manage the project milestones and schedules


    Ask the human resource manager to acquire additional external resources


    Meet with the procurement manager to review the vendor agreements and take necessary actions


    Speak with the program manager about recreating the project milestones and schedules

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    During project execution,a project manager discovers that supplied materials are arriving late,and in some instances are incorrect.What should the project manager do?


    Update the quality plan.


    Refuse to pay the supplier.


    Perform a risk analysis.


    Modify the project schedule plan.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    A Project manager successfully closes out a project on time and under budge, the final product is transferred to the operation and the proper paperwork is filed, a few weeks later, a vendor-supplied part breaks.but is still under warranty, the operation manager calls the project manager and demands corrective actions, including using the remaining project budget to pay for repairs. What should the project manager do next?


    Reopen the project ’determine if there are enough remaining funds to pay for repairs.and perform corrective actions


    Advise the operation manager to review the procurement documents and follow warranty claim procedures as stated in the vendor’s contract


    Ask the legal department to take legal action against the vendor for restitution of costs associated with replacement and installation of the part


    Escalate the issue to senior management for protection from any potential actions the operation manager may take

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:采购问题,首先查看合同。 采购关闭 买方通常通过其授权的采购管理员,向卖方发出合同已经完成的正式书面通知。关于正式关闭采购的要求,通常已在合同条款和条件中规定,并包括在采购管理计划中。


    A vendor contracted to develop a software packages that is key to company’s overall market share.Upon delivery of the software, a stakeholder inform the project manager that requirements were unmet. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?


    Included the vendor in the requirements development and made them sign the requirements document


    Monitor the vendor’s activities according to the purchasing management plan


    Hired resources to produce the product internally to ensure complete control of the output


    Assigned a resource to the vendor's company to ensure that requirements were followed throughout the development

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:pmbok p492 控制采购。供应商交付的结果不符合要求,属于控制采购没有做好导致,B属于控制采购工作。


    When developing a project during an uncertain times, risks regarding budget deviations must be avoided. What type of contract should be used?


    Fixed price with economic price adjustment contract (FP-EPA)


    Time and Material (T&M)


    Fixed price incentive fee (FPIF)


    Cost plus incentive fee (CPIF)

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    A key project activity is to seek approval from local authorities before a construction site can be accepted .What should the project manager do when scheduling the project?


    Avoid putting the activity on the critical path.


    Perform dependency determination and integration.


    Obtain expert judgment.


    Add a new risk to the risk register.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P191-关键活动需要当地政府批准,这描述的是外部依赖关系,B对应。


    While generating the status report for a budget-constrained project, the project manager identifies that the project is one week behind schedule. What should the project manager do to bring the project back on track?


    Reallocate team members on critical-path activities.


    Request additional time from the project sponsor.


    Ask the project management office (PMO) for additional team members.


    Perform resource optimization.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A 

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:时间不够,要赶工或进度压缩。D选项,资源平衡的工期会变长,资源平滑工期不变。

    182、[单选]一个项目由五个任务组成。 —任务A将需要五天时间才能完成,且可以立即开始。 —任务B将需要四天才能完成,但只能在任务A完成后才能开始。 —任务C将需要三天才能完成,并且在开始之前独立于任何其他任务。 —任务D将需要七天才能完成,但只能在任务C完成后才能开始。 —任务E将需要五天才能完成,但只能在任务B和D完成后才能开始。 项目的关键路径是什么?

    A project consists of five tasks. -Task A will take five days to complete and can begin immediately. -Task B will take four days to complete, but can begin only after task A has finished -Task C will take three days to complete, and is independent of any other tasks before it can begin. -Task D will take seven days to complete, but can begin only after task C is finished -Task E will take five days to complete, but can begin only after both tasks B and D have finished What is the project's critical path ?









    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的210页6.5.2.2关键路径法:两条路径,A-B-E14 天,C-D-E15 天,后者是关键路径。选B


    A new project has high uncertainly in the cost required for completion.What approach should the project manager use to determine the expected costs?


    Analogous estimating


    Statistical techniques estimating


    Parametric estimating


    Three-Point estimating

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D 解析:不确定情况下估算方法,三点估算。


    A project manager has prepared project schedule for a new project. According to the project manager’s experience, the project will take two years to complete. However, the company director requests that the project is to be completed in 18 months. What should the project manager do?


    Revise the project schedule based on the director’s request.


    Use resource leveling to even out project team member tasks.


    Reduce the project scope to meet the revised project schedule.


    Keep the project schedule unchanged, but show the impact this change would have on other constraints.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P207-制定进度计划-项目文件-假设日志。记录的假设条件和制约因素可能造成影响项目进度的单个风险等。

    185、[单选]在一次迭代结束时,一位团队成员告诉项目经理,由于几天前出现了无法解决的问题, 一个计划任务未完成。若要在将来避免这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?

    At the end of an iteration, a team member tells the project manager that a planned task is unfinished because of an issue that appeared several days ago but unable to be resolved. What should the project manager do to prevent this type of situation in the future?


    Discuss the issue during the retrospective


    Address the issue in the demo


    Discuss the issue during the next iteration planning meeting


    Review the issue in the next daily standup meeting

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:pmbok6的230页6.6.3.5项目文件更新:避免未来发生,要总结经验教训并更新到组织过程资产中。A 是总结经验教训。

    186、[单选]项目经理通过将工作包分解到活动中去,识别并记录产生项目可交付成果的具体行动, 结果将产生哪一份文件?

    A project manager identifies and documents the specific actions that produce project deliverables by breaking down work packages into activities. What document will be produced as a result?


    Resource breakdown structure (RBS)


    Activity resource requirements


    Milestone list


    Activity duration estimates

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C。 解析:PMBOK(6)P185,考点为定义活动的输出(活动清单,活动属性,里程碑清单)。


    A project manager is leading a product deployment effort in several countries. The final deployment has a tight schedule and the project manager must prepare an estimate quickly.what estimating technique should the project manager use?


    Analogous estimating


    Parametric estimating


    Bottom-up estimating


    Three-point estimating

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:7.2.2 估算成本:工具与技术 类比估算 A最快速。时间紧迫,PM根据经验做类比估算,速度最快。


    A project task is behind schedule.To ensure that the project completes on time,the project manager hires another engineer to work on the task.What technique did the project manager use?


    Fast tracking


    Resource leveling


    Resource smoothing



    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:时间不够,增加资源,是赶工。 进度压缩 赶工。通过增加资源,以最小的成本代价来压缩进度工期的一种技术。赶工只适用于那些通过增加 资源就能缩短持续时间的,且位于关键路径上的活动。


    During the execution phase of an IT infrastructure project,the IT manager requests a more expensive server than the one that was initially included in the budget.What should the project manager do?


    Conduct a risk assessment


    Initiate a change request


    Validate the request with a scope statement


    Approve the request

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6实施整体变更控制。比预算更贵的服务器变更了预算,提出变更请求,按照变更控制流程去获得批准。选项A:题目非常明确,如果满足IT经理的要求将超出预算,无需执行风险评估,是变更问题。 选项C:预算增加在范围说明书中看不到预算内容,应该合适成本基准。选项D:在没有经过变更控制获得批准之前,项目经理无权批准超出预算的变更。


    A project team is working hard on deliverables to meet the planned schedule.One team member identifies that scope creep is affecting project costs. What should the project management do?


    Perform risk assessment and scope change management procedures


    Allow the scope creep and communicate it to the Change Control Board(CCB) for approval


    Estimate the impact on the project and communicate the findings to project stakeholders


    Investigate why scope creep occurred and immediately initiate change management

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D



    A project is experiencing difficulties and the project status report is due.However,the project sponsor is on leave.What should the project manager do?


    Ask team members to directly communicate the project's progress to their business contact


    Send the status report to the project management office(PMO),and ask the PMO manager to distribute a summary.


    Send the status report as planned


    Hold distribution of the status report until the project sponsor returns.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    The leading developer of a software upgrade project has made some suggestions on enhancement, indicating that these enhancements will improve the overall implementation of the project and the end user experience. What should the project manager do?


    To submit a change request


    To determine the impact on schedule and cost and assess the feasibility of the change


    To hold a meeting with project stakeholders to determine if these should be included


    To approve the suggested enhancements

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:解析:参见PMBOK第6版 4.6 实施整体变更控制。B内部变更,应先分析影响。在批准变更之前,可能需要了解变更对进度的影响和对成本的影响。


    A new government regulation will require changes to a product under development. The project team revises the project management plan at the start of the project to implement new requirements rather than add requirements later. What type of change request should be used?


    Corrective action


    Active action


    Preventive action


    Update action

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D 解析:直接更新项目管理计划,调整范围基准,属于更新的变更策略,D选项最准确。


    During the project execution phase,project sponsors communicate directly with team members and subcontractors.Project sponsors occasionally provide them with guidance on implementation methods,work skills, and task sequencing.What should the project manager do?


    Use interpersonal skills to let project sponsors view communication management plans

     B:更新相关方参与计划, 禁止项目发起人与团队和分包商直接沟通

    Update the relevant parties to participate in the plan, prohibit project sponsors from communicating directly with teams and subcontractors

     C:更新执行、负责、 咨询和知情(RACI)矩阵

    Update execution, responsibility,consulting and informed (RACI) Matrix

     D:将项目发起人与团队 和分包商的沟通更新到问题日志

    Update the project sponsors and teams communication with subcontractors to the problem log

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    A project audit review identifies that a critical,rejected change was made outside of established processes.This affected other deliveries with a medium impact,and the sponsor demands to know why. What should the project manager review first?


    Change log


    Requirements traceability matrix


    Risk report


    Change request

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析: 变更日志,变更影响分析,以及变更审批结果,都应记录在变更日志中。因此在变更日志中能找到变更被拒绝的原因。


    A project manager sends out regular status reports to all stakeholders with bulleted lists of project accomplishments,upcoming objectives,and current challenges.However,some stakeholders still complain that they do not understand the project's status.What should the project manager do?


    Contact those stakeholders to understand their concerns, and follow the change request process prior to implementing changes


    Distribute a new,more-detailed status report to those stakeholders


    Ask those stakeholders to review the communications management plan and provide them with an updated status report


    Meet with those stakeholders and the project team to provide a more-detailed project status update

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    After the project manager defines the scope of the project, the team members are dissatisfied with the project requirements. They asked for a review of the scope statement to analyze the risks and further clarify the scope. What should the project manager do?


    Ignore the request and instruct the team to maintain the defined scope


    Conduct guided seminars with team members


    Ask team members to create an affinity map


    Ask team members to brainstorm meetings

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P154-定义范围-范围说明书。范围说明书代表项目相关方之间就项目范围所达成的共识,因此对于团队成员澄清范围的需求应该考虑。通过召开引导式研讨会建立共识。选项A:不能忽略团队成员对范围澄清的需求。选项C:亲和图是一项分组技术,不符合题意。 选项D:头脑风暴会是产生多种创意的技术,无助于对范围达成共识。


    The project manager must create a project's work breakdown structure (WBS) and analyze the technical details of the project scope. What tools or techniques should the project manager use?




    Affinity diagram


    Expert judgement


    Precedence Diagramming Method(PDM)

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:定位:(管理)创建WBS 解析:PMBOK(6)P162-创建WBS-专家判断。应征求具备类似项目知识或经验的个人或小组的意见。选项A:头脑风暴是一种收集多种创意的技术。 选项B:亲和图是分组图。选项D:是绘制网络图的方法。


    A project that involves 10 branches of a global company is nearing completion.The project manager is scheduling a lessons learned meeting. Who should the project manager invite to the meeting?


    All stakeholders


    Head of the business unit of the project manager


    All members of the project team


    Senior management

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    A project manager has completed the identification of stakeholders.Previously,the project manager had difficulty managing stakeholders because no distinctions were made among them regarding influence or authority. What information needs to be included in the stakeholder register?


    Change requests for new stakeholders


    Stakeholder benefits management plan


    Stakeholder engagement plan


    Stakeholder classification

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P514-识别相关方-相关方登记册。包括相关方分类。选项A:新相关方的变更请求不包括在相关方登记册中。选项B:相关方效益管理计划不包括在相关方登记册中。 选项C:相关方参与计划确定用于促进相关方有效参与决策和执行的策略和行动,不包括在相关方登记册中。



