#今日必吃的瓜# 民国掌故-第1期-漫谈温源宁-刘鹰老师_腾讯视频
Imperfect Understanding
These attempts at an imperfect understanding of some people I happen to know are the fruits of idle moments. Their proper place is, of course, the waste paper basket. But they have given pleasure to some friends, and it is at the latter’s instance that they have here been brought together in book form. I hope where no offense is meant, none will be offended. However, it is just possible that one or two may object to some of the things I have said about them. If so, I beg their pardon.
My thanks are due to Mr. Kwei Chungshu, editor of The China Critic, for his kindness in allowing me to reprint these papers, which first saw the light in The Intimate Portraits column of that journal.
These attempts at an imperfect understanding of some people I happen to know are the fruits of idle moments.
这篇小序的第一句话结构其实很简单:These attempts are the fruits. 这里的attempt(s) at (doing) something的意思是:“为了做事情而花费的精力或行动”,文解释“the act of trying to do something, especially something difficult”,尤指为完成难事而进行的努力,尝试。attempts at与something之间可以加doing。 idle moments, 意为“闲暇、无所事事的时光”。fruits of idle moments, fruit, 本意是水果,而且通常是单数形式。The fruit(s) of something 则是” the pleasant or successful result of work or actions”或是” the good results that you have from something after you have worked very hard”这两种定义或解释中,有一点是明确的,就是fruit(s) of something 一定是令人愉悦的、成功的。
令我好奇的是,作者用fruits of idle moments这种矛盾的表达来描述自己的作品,而不是像通常的文人一样自谦自贬,称为敝帚自珍。究竟是想表达自己对作品的喜爱与得意、甚至暗示写作过程的艰辛,还是想刻意掩饰自己的努力,甚至是想表明自己才华过人,可以文思泉涌,提笔成章呢?既然是fruits of idle moments, 又为何在开始写这些作品是attempts呢?
Their proper place is, of course, the waste paper basket. But they have given pleasure to some friends, and it is at the latter’s instance that they have here been brought together in book form.
作者下面的文字或许提供了一些提示与线索。他先说:Their proper place is, of course, the waste paper basket.转而又说,But they have given pleasure to some friends, and it is at the latter’s instance that they have here been brought together in book form. 第二句中的at the latter’s instance用到的at somebody’s instance 是指 formal because of someone’s wish or request, 这是一种很文雅,老派的笔法,用plain English来说,意思就是Because of the wish or request of some of my friends. 同样,作者在这里用了at latter’s instance, 而不是用更加直白的at their instance, 也是要表达的雅致。在后一句中,用they have been brought in book form这种说法也是一样的原因。
从行文来看,这两句话中的前一句很简单明了,还用of course这个插入语来加强语气,看似自谦,其实虚晃一枪而已。因为下一句话他就说:虽然这种信笔之作,本该丢到废纸篓里,但是因为朋友喜欢,并且坚持,所以就结辑成册,出版。言外之意就是,我本人并不觉得这些文章有什么了不起的,但是朋友们喜欢,又坚持,我也就恭敬不如从命了。
结合起来看呢,我对他在前文中关于自己的作品的矛盾说法,就很清晰了。作者想表达的本来就是模糊的两层含义:如果有人喜欢,我可以说这是呕心沥血之作,是fruits of my labor, 如果有人讨厌,甚至要笔墨官司,那我可以说,只是fruits of idle moment,只是闲来无事的戏笔之作,本该丢入字纸篓,何必如此当真?从第一段中fruits of my idle moment 这句很简单,看似不经意的话中,我们其实可以读出作者的心态与矛盾。一方面想出版、想展示才华,一方面又有意贬低自己的作品。显然不是想展示才华,而是心有情结。但是,他到底是一种什么心态呢?
I hope where no offense is meant, none will be offended. However, it is just possible that one or two may object to some of the things I have said about them. If so, I beg their pardon.
作者在第二段中写到: I hope where no offense is meant, none will be offended. However, it is just possible that one or two may object to some of the things I have said about them. If so, I beg their pardon.这三句话从语言上看很好懂,因为是白话一般的plain English。但为何到目前为止笔法典雅别致的作者,突然会用大白话了呢?此中大有深意。显然作者想到了杂志上的专栏文章在结集出版成书后肯定会传播的更广,流传的更久。那他在文章所描述到的各色文人名士,都是一时之才俊或当世之枭雄。看到这本书,未必会喜欢他的写法。
这段话从表面上看,似乎是一种妥协或是准备道歉的姿态。但是,细细品味之后,才知道完全不是那么回事儿。他先写到:I hope no offense is meant,none will be offended. 作者用了:no offense is meant,而不是用I meant no offense ,用none will be offended. 而不是I didn’t want to offend anyone. 这种句法,显然不说真诚地要提前预支歉意。用被动语态而非主动语态来表达歉意,其实是绵里藏针,皮里阳秋的笔法。作者的言外之意是,我没有要招惹谁,不过你要是觉得我招惹了你,只能说你倒霉,是你躺着中枪了。
理解了这一层,也就能理解为啥作者的下一句话:会用it is just possible that one or two may object to some of the things I have said 这样轻蔑与不屑一顾的语气来预测将来可能有人会对他的评价表示不满。用one or two 而不是用someone, or people 这样的词来指代未来可能指责他的人,用非常轻蔑的some of the things I have said about them, 而不是用my comments or opinions about them这样更加正式或说中性的语言来描述自己在书中对各类人物的评价,在语气上显然是很不恭敬的。
作者在本段的最后一句话: If so, I beg their pardon. 意思是,如果你觉得我的话冒犯了你,就请各位原谅。这哪里是要致歉,简直是在挑衅。意思是你们心里要是不舒服,我可以微微地点头表示致歉,但我的内心可能会对你更加充满鄙视。一个能把长达几十个字妥帖地放在一个句子里,节奏错落有致,不让人感觉冗长的文字高手,居然在道歉时用了:If so, I beg their pardon. 这样敷衍了事的句法。显然作者不是为了行文或是修辞的需要如此简洁,而是直接潦草应付了事。
My thanks are due to Mr. Kwei Chungshu, editor of The China Critic, for his kindness in allowing me to reprint these papers, which first saw the light in The Intimate Portraits column of that journal.
在铺垫好对未来可能的攻击者先下手为强的姿态后,作者在第三段中对杂志主编道谢时,文风又回到第一段的优雅含蓄的风格了。这里的due to 不是“因为”的意思。而是owed as a debtor as a right,意思是,我欠杂志主编的一个情。在这句话的后半句中,for his kindness in allowing me to reprint these papers说明了他欠的是什么情。
通常杂志作者要把杂志上发表过的文章拿到另一个出版社去结集成书,不只是需要杂志出版方的同意,有时会涉及到高昂的版税或是费用,所以作者对杂志主编表示感谢。正如这句话最后所说,这些文章first saw the light in The Intimate Portraits column of that journal。这里的see the light的意思是问世、出版、见天日的意思。 这里的The Intimate Portraits. 是温源宁这个专栏最初的名字。
通过这短短的三段话,我们不难发现,作者是前后两段中都充分展示了他可以自如地运用典雅庄重的笔法来写作。其实,这本书的文风与基调,也是典雅、含蓄,而绝非大白话式的。作者唯独第二段在提到他描述的对象中可能有人会不满、甚至愤怒的时候,从用词到句法都很直白、显然是有用意的。他绝不是要写大白话式的plain English,而是有意要表明一种姿态与态度。何况,这种大白话的文字,从风格上说虽不典雅,但行文中的意思却是绵里藏针,处处机锋的。