SAT数学在统计里除了考察基本的mean,median,mode以及range以外,还会涉及一个基本的概念 —— Standard Deviation,今天我们就来聊聊SAT数学在Standard Deviation的考点和常见考法。
① 定义
标准差(Standard Deviation)
Standard Deviation is a measure of how far away the points in the data set are from the average value。
应对SAT数学的考试,我们只需要简单的理解为:Standard Deviation能反映一个数据集的离散程度,一组数据的离散程度越大,Standard Deviation越大,反之亦然。
② 考试要求
On the SAT Math Test, you will not be asked to compute the standard deviation of a data set, but you do need to understand that a larger standard deviation corresponds to a data set whose values are more spread out from the mean value.
可见对于这个知识点,建宇认为并不难掌握,因为我们不需要知道如何去算,我们只需要知道的是standard deviation本身的定义以及利用其本身定义做题即可。那在SAT数学的考试里,关于standard deviation的常见考法是什么样子的呢?我们来看一道khan样题。
③ 样题解析
The histograms to the left show the test results of two different 11th grade history classes on the same exam. Which statement best compares the standard deviations of the two data sets?

A. The standard deviation of the scores from class A is greater than the standard deviation of the scores from class B.
B. The standard deviation of the scores from class B is greater than the standard deviation of the scores from class A.
C. The standard deviation of the scores from class A is equal to the standard deviation of the scores from class B.
D. There is not enough information to compare the two standard deviations.
从这题可以看出,同学们在比较两组数据的standard deviation的时候一定要悉心审题,看清楚图表中纵坐标所表示的含义(是确切的值还是频率),不要被图形的表象所欺骗,导致不小心丢分。

The dot plots above summarize the scores that two classes, each with 24 students, at Central High School achieved on a current events quiz. Which of the following correctly compares the standard deviation of the scores in each of the classes?
A) The standard deviation of the scores in Class A is smaller.
B) The standard deviation of the scores in Class B is smaller.
C) The standard deviation of the scores in Class A and Class B is the same.
D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
这道题目还是在考察standard deviation的定义,即越扩散standard deviation越大。在Class A,大部份数据都集中在3和4上,而在Class B,数据都是平均的扩散到0-5的每一个数值上,显然Class B的成绩分布更为扩散,standard deviation更大,选A。
TD SAT数学考前冲刺班1月14日即将开船啦,知识点讲解+对应习题+答疑解惑+小班授课,三人成团还有优惠,大家可以扫描下面二维码关注噢:-D。
