论语学习(四十二)- 原文

论语学习(四十二)- 原文

作者: 远洋船长 | 来源:发表于2022-03-23 07:11 被阅读0次


子张问:“十世可知也?” 子曰:“殷因于夏礼,所损益可知也;周因与殷礼,所损益可知也。其或继周者,虽百世,可知也。”

A disciple asked Confucius whether ten generations after their time the state of the civilization of the world could be known. Confucius answered, “The House of Yin adopted the civilization of the hsia dynasty; what modifications they made is known. The present Chou dynasty adopted the civilization of the House of Yin; what modifications this last dynasty made are also known. Perhaps some other may hereafter take the place of the present Chou dynasty; but should that happen a hundred generations after this, the state of the civilization of the world then, can be known.”


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