

News letter of the publication of the poetry book “Serpent Embracing Street--A Selection of Poems on Beijing”
The poetry book “Serpent Embracing Street---A Selection of Poems on Beijing” by Chinese poet Bei Ta, was beautifully published by North Literature and Arts Publishing House in Heilongjiang Province in September of 2019. It consists of around 150 poems and 240 pages. There is attached a long academic essay on Chinese modern Metropolitan poetics written also by Bei Ta.
All the poems in this book are inspired in Beijing. The author has been living in BJ for more than 1/4 century,during which all his love and hatred, sweetness and bitterness are obviously or obscurely recorded and expressed. Due to the convergence trend of the development of almost all Chinese metropolises, the author’s feelings and experiences about BJ can be shared by people living in other metropolises.
None of the poems is related to tourism or propaganda, but to profound thoughts, natural sighs and enthusiastic cries of a drop of water in the vast sea of human beings.
This book of poetry, strictly speaking, is the first Chinese individual poetry book on metropolitan matter in the perspectives of modernist philosophy, aesthetics and poetics.
The name of the book consists of three words: “Serpent”, “Embracing” and “Street”, which have the same pronunciation [s] in them. In Chinese characters, they have the same initial consonant, which sounds like some piece of metal falling onto the ground. The cover design is full of creation and connotation. The composing type of the three words are very ingenious with their strokes intertwined with each other, which produces the realm that a serpent is a street or a street is also a serpent. The typesetting of the book is elegant, precise, profuse and pure.
Today in China, the publication of paper books---especially books of poetry is rather stagnant like in winter, North Literature and Arts Publishing House and its director, Mr. Song Yucheng, deserve our loud applause by going against the stream to publish this book while showing pure affection of humanity and broad historical perspective.