绘本讲师训练营【15期】16/21 《My dad》阅读原创

绘本讲师训练营【15期】16/21 《My dad》阅读原创

作者: laurence0712 | 来源:发表于2018-07-17 22:43 被阅读7次

15110-张智峰 Laurence

绘本讲师训练营【15期】16/21 《My dad》阅读原创

Today Melon and I chose a book we’ve read before. This book was “my dad”. Coz he was not very interested in this book, I didn’t why he chose this book today, so I just started skeptically.

Like last time, when he saw the cover, he liked the man doing the tricking funny face, and he just did the imitation again. I began the book with the title “my dad”. This time when I turned the pages, I tried to slow down the speed, I read the words slowly and tried to make the words vividly, this time he was more concentrated on the book, good improvement. When I repeated the sentences like “he can jump right over the moon and walk on a tightrope” and “he can wrestle with giants”, I also did the action on the carpet, my purpose was to let him join me. Luckily he really came to me and did some of the movements, like jumping、 wrestling with the giants. This time I noticed some details in the book, like when the big bad wolf showed up, 3 little pigs were hiding behind the tree outside the house, when his dad won the 1st place in the running race, I found the runner behind his dad was an excellent runner. The whole book almost told us that dad could do anything if he want, at the same time, his dad can sometimes be soft while he was also a tough guy. And the most important basis is I love my dad and my dad loves me.

Today was the 2nd time we read this book, the feeling was totally different from the 1st time. I tried to re-adjust my way of telling this story, and also tried to brought him to play with me, as for the language, Melon was more adsorbed by the words I said, coz they were more related to the pics and the movements we did.

绘本讲师训练营【15期】16/21 《My dad》阅读原创



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