

作者: 糖醋里脊120625 | 来源:发表于2020-06-11 11:00 被阅读0次
    |  | <!DOCTYPE html> |
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    |  | <title>问题反馈</title> |
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    |  | <body> |
    |  | <div class="vueBox" v-cloak id="app"> |
    |  | <div class="page-box"> |
    |  | <div class="suggest-title"> |
    |  | <span class="text-star">*</span> |
    |  | <span>问题类型</span> |
    |  | </div> |
    |  | <input @click="showProblemName" class="input-box" :value="problem_name" readonly="" type="text" placeholder="请选择问题类型"> |
    |  | <div class="suggest-title"> |
    |  | <span class="text-star">*</span> |
    |  | <span>问题描述</span> |
    |  | </div> |
    |  | <div class="area-box"> |
    |  | <textarea class="textarea-box" placeholder="请输入您的问题或建议" v-model="comment" :maxlength="maxlen"></textarea> |
    |  | <div class="amount-box"> |
    |  | <p class="amount-txt" v-text="lens"></p> |
    |  | <p class="amount-txt">/</p> |
    |  | <p class="amount-txt" v-text="maxlen"></p> |
    |  | </div> |
    |  | </div> |
    |  | <div class="suggest-title suggest-upload"> |
    |  | <p> |
    |  | <span>上传图片</span> |
    |  | <span class="text-tip" v-text="'('+imgList.length+'/3)'"></span> |
    |  | </p> |
    |  | </div> |
    |  | <ul class="upload_warp_imgs"> |
    |  | <li v-for="(item,index) of imgList"> |
    |  | <img class="upload_img" :src="item.file.src" alt=""> |
    |  | <img :src="ico_del" class="upload_img_del" @click="fileDel(index)"> |
    |  | </li> |
    |  | <li class="upload_warp_btn" v-show="imgList.length<3"> |
    |  | <img class="ico-plus" :src="ico_plus"> |
    |  | <input id="file" @change="fileChange($event)" type="file" accept="image/*" class="upload_file" /> |
    |  | </li> |
    |  | </ul> |
    |  | <div class="suggest-title"> |
    |  | <span class="text-star">*</span> |
    |  | <span>联系方式</span> |
    |  | </div> |
    |  | <input class="input-box" maxlength="11" type="text" placeholder="请输入手机号" v-model="mobile"> |
    |  | <div class="btn-box"> |
    |  | <div :class="[is_can?'btn-submit':'btn-submit-opacity']" @click="submitMsg">确认提交</div> |
    |  | </div> |
    |  | </div> |
    |  |  |
    |  |  |
    |  | <mt-popup v-model="problemVisible" position="bottom"> |
    |  | <ul class="mint-popup-head"> |
    |  | <li @click="selectProblem(0)">取消</li> |
    |  | <li @click="selectProblem(1)">确认</li> |
    |  | </ul> |
    |  | <mt-picker :slots="problem_list" @change="problemChange" value-key="name"> </mt-picker> |
    |  | </mt-popup> |
    |  | </div> |
    |  | </body> |
    |  | <!-- 引入组件库 --> |
    |  | <script src="[js/vue.js](https://www.17sucai.com/preview/17147/2020-05-29/vue%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98%E5%8F%8D%E9%A6%88/js/vue.js)"></script> |
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    |  | <script type="text/javascript"> |
    |  | var vm = new Vue({ |
    |  | el: '#app', |
    |  | data: { |
    |  | // 选择类型 |
    |  | problem_name: '', |
    |  | problemVisible: false, |
    |  | problem_list: [{ |
    |  | flex: 1, |
    |  | values: [{ |
    |  | "id": 11, |
    |  | "name": "类型一" |
    |  | }, { |
    |  | "id": 21, |
    |  | "name": "类型二" |
    |  | }, { |
    |  | "id": 21, |
    |  | "name": "类型三" |
    |  | }, { |
    |  | "id": 41, |
    |  | "name": "类型四" |
    |  | }, { |
    |  | "id": 51, |
    |  | "name": "类型五" |
    |  | }], |
    |  | textAlign: 'center' |
    |  | }], |
    |  | ico_plus: 'images/ico-plus.png', |
    |  | ico_del: 'images/ico-del.png', |
    |  | sid: '123', |
    |  | comment: '', |
    |  | maxlen: 200, |
    |  | mobile: '', |
    |  | imgList: [], |
    |  | is_submit: false |
    |  | }, |
    |  | computed: { |
    |  | lens: function() { |
    |  | var lens = 0; // 中文算2个字 |
    |  | for (i = 0; i < this.comment.length; i++) { |
    |  | if ((this.comment.charCodeAt(i) >= 0) && (this.comment.charCodeAt(i) <= 255)) |
    |  | lens = lens + 1; |
    |  | else |
    |  | lens = lens + 2; |
    |  | } |
    |  | return lens; |
    |  | }, |
    |  | is_can: function() { //控制提交按钮 |
    |  | return (this.comment && this.mobile && this.mobile.length >= 11) |
    |  | } |
    |  | }, |
    |  | created: function() { |
    |  | if (localStorage.getItem('mobile')) { |
    |  | this.mobile = localStorage.getItem('mobile') |
    |  | } |
    |  | }, |
    |  | methods: { |
    |  | // 类型弹窗 |
    |  | showProblemName: function() { |
    |  | this.problemVisible = true; |
    |  | if (!this.problem_temp) { |
    |  | this.problem_temp = this.problem_list[0].values[0].name; |
    |  | } |
    |  | }, |
    |  | problemChange: function(picker, values) { |
    |  | if (picker.getSlotValue(0)) { |
    |  | this.problem_temp = picker.getSlotValue(0).name |
    |  | } |
    |  | }, |
    |  | selectProblem: function(bool) { |
    |  | // bool 判断 触发的是取消还是确认按钮 |
    |  | this.problem_name = bool ? this.problem_temp : this.problem_name; |
    |  | this.problemVisible = false |
    |  | }, |
    |  | // 图片上传 |
    |  | fileChange: function(el) { |
    |  | if (!el.target.files[0].size) return; |
    |  | this.fileList(el.target.files); |
    |  | el.target.value = ''; |
    |  | }, |
    |  | fileList: function(files) { |
    |  | for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { |
    |  | this.fileAdd(files[i]); |
    |  | } |
    |  | }, |
    |  | fileAdd: function(file) { |
    |  | var that = this; |
    |  | var reader = new FileReader(); |
    |  | reader.readAsDataURL(file); |
    |  | reader.onload = function() { |
    |  | file.src = reader.result; |
    |  | that.imgList.push({ |
    |  | file: file |
    |  | }); |
    |  | } |
    |  | }, |
    |  | fileDel: function(index) { |
    |  | this.imgList.splice(index, 1); |
    |  | }, |
    |  | //提交数据 |
    |  | submitMsg: function() { |
    |  | if (this.instance) { |
    |  | this.instance.close() |
    |  | } |
    |  | if (!this.problem_name) { |
    |  | this.instance = this.$toast({ |
    |  | message: '请选择问题类型!', |
    |  | duration: 1000 |
    |  | }); |
    |  | return |
    |  | } |
    |  | if (!this.comment) { |
    |  | this.instance = this.$toast({ |
    |  | message: '请输入您的问题或建议!', |
    |  | duration: 1000 |
    |  | }); |
    |  | return |
    |  | } |
    |  | if (this.mobile.length < 11) { |
    |  | this.instance = this.$toast({ |
    |  | message: '请输入正确的手机号码', |
    |  | duration: 1000 |
    |  | }); |
    |  | return |
    |  | } |
    |  | if (this.is_submit) { |
    |  | return false |
    |  | } |
    |  | this.is_submit = true; |
    |  | localStorage.setItem('mobile', this.mobile); |
    |  | // 整合数据 |
    |  | var formData = new FormData(); |
    |  | formData.append("platform", this.platform); |
    |  | formData.append("sid", this.sid); |
    |  | formData.append("mobile", this.mobile); |
    |  | formData.append("comment", this.comment); |
    |  | for (var i = 0; i < this.imgList.length; i++) { |
    |  | formData.append("imgs", this.imgList[i].file); |
    |  | } |
    |  | // 测试打印数据 |
    |  | console.log('mobile', formData.get('mobile')); |
    |  | console.log('comment', formData.get('comment')); |
    |  | console.log('imgs', formData.getAll('imgs')); |
    |  |  |
    |  | var url = ''; |
    |  | var that = this; |
    |  | // 模拟提交 |
    |  | axios.post(url, formData) |
    |  | .then(function(resp) { |
    |  | if (resp.error_code == 0) { |
    |  | setTimeout(function() { |
    |  | that.is_submit = false; |
    |  | }, 1200) |
    |  | } else { |
    |  | that.is_submit = true; |
    |  | } |
    |  | }) |
    |  | .catch(function(er) { |
    |  | that.is_submit = false; |
    |  | }) |
    |  | } |
    |  | } |
    |  | }); |
    |  | </script> |
    |  | </html> |
    |  |  |



