晨起打招呼:Oh!You are awake.噢!你醒了!
兑奶粉:Mommy will make you a bottle,okay?妈妈去给你兑奶粉,好吗?Wait for just a minute,稍微等一会儿。
穿衣服:Let's see what you can wear today,我们来看看今天你穿什么?
换尿不湿:Time to change your diaper.该换尿不湿了!
Let's take off your dirty diaper.我们来取下脏的尿不湿。
And let's put on a clean one,让我们换一个干净的。
Stay still.不要动。
Wait just a minute.仅仅一会儿。
喂养:It's time to eat,该吃饭了。
Sit down in your high chair,坐在你的儿童椅上。
Let's fasten your buckle.让我来帮你系上安全带。
Are you Full?你饱了吗?
Let's get out,我们出去吧。
洗个脸瘦瘦Let's wash your face,现在来洗脸吧。
Dry it off with a towel,用毛巾擦干了。
Let's comb your hair,来梳梳你的头。
Put on some lotion.来擦些乳液吧。
You smell so nice,你闻起来真香。
Can you give mommy a kiss?你能亲妈妈一下吗?
Don't touch,it's hot,不要碰,这很烫。
Give your brother a hug?给你哥哥一个抱抱。
Can you give him a high five?你可以跟哥哥击个掌吗?
Good job!你真棒!
Wait, let's see what you can wear today, me to change your diaper, Let's take off your dirty diaper and let's put on a clean one. It's time to eat.