fallen leaves是已经落下的树叶,而falling leaves 则是正在下落的叶子。
frozen milk是被冻住的牛奶,而freezing winter是冻人的冬日。
小编先拿比较cliche (老生常谈) 的几个词举几个例子:
That's exciting news! (激动人心的消息!)
Some excited kids were splashing around in the pond. (一些激动的孩子在池子里踢水玩)
I like your interesting idea. (我喜欢你的有趣想法)
Sitting by the window, the young lady was interested in her book. (那个坐在窗边的女生对她的书很有兴趣)
看到这几个句子,大家可能就想起了我们中学时代总结出的非常 crude (粗糙)的规律:
可是,事实的真相是如此吗?难道不可以讲 an interesting person (一个有趣的人)嘛?
其实呢,导致这些词形容搭配不同名词的原因还要从它们的本质区别上来看。interest 可以做及物动词,意思是"使...感兴趣".
过去分词组成的形容词表被动,所以interested 也就是被挑起兴趣的,只要名词是被动方就可以使用interested
现在大家搞清楚这些形容词的逻辑了吗?除了interesting 和 exciting,符合以上规律的形容词还有很多。
比如:a bored man in a boring class (一个感到无聊的人在一节无聊的课堂里)
an exhausted mother looking after an exhausting baby (一个累坏了的母亲照顾一个累人的宝贝)
a loving husband addressing his loved wife (一个充满爱心的丈夫致辞他被爱的妻子)
an astonished crowd watching the astonishing firework (一群感到震惊的人观赏一场震撼人心的烟火)
He has an ______ look on his face when he heard that he's going to be a daddy.
A. excited
B. exciting
C. boring
He is a very ____man. He always adopts or feeds stray (走失的) animals.
A. loved
B. loving
C. boring
I am ______ after a whole day of work.
A. exhausting
B. exciting
C. exhausted