
作者: 素叶儿 | 来源:发表于2021-07-12 22:39 被阅读0次




In July, students graduating from major schools entered the company on a large scale and became newcomers to the company. For new recruits, in addition to on-the-job training, the company will also arrange for teachers to transfer experience and technical guidance.

It's crucial what kind of teacher to meet the growth of a newcomer. When you meet a teacher who is tipping out, the newcomer grows faster. In industries with high technical content, the vast majority of them are such teachers, who are engaged in each other. The apprentices grow rapidly and efficiently, and the technical level is too hard enough to be guarded as soon as possible, so the enterprise has a virtuous circle. In service industries with low technology content, many teachers will have reservations in business teaching, leaving a hand, worrying that highly educated apprentices will surpass themselves, and even make difficulties for their apprentices in some aspects. Newcomers will be under great pressure in a difficult working environment.

I hope the newcomer is lucky in the July season!


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