从容記Mar.19 |  Be a special girl

从容記Mar.19 |  Be a special girl

作者: 从容小記 | 来源:发表于2018-03-19 23:19 被阅读0次


    今天跟一位来自London的外教说话,外教非常温和,充满好奇心,问我:"Do you like history?"

    我说:"Yes, I like Chinese history and some western countries ' history. "

    外教问: "Which country?"

    我说: " France."

    外教继续问:" Why?"

    于是我说:" France is a freedom country with many artists and thinkers. They are outstanding in the world today."

    外教接着问:" which people do you like?"

    我想了会儿说: " Have you read the book《The Second Gender 》,written by Simone de Beauvoir (西蒙娜·德·波伏娃), who was a great thinker and writer in the 20th century France. (幸好之前查过该作家,我凭汉语发音大概念出了名字。

    外教继续问: " About what?"

    我要词穷了,是英语词穷,于是结结巴巴地说: " About the Feminism. The author advocates women should walk out of the family and go to work as men. "



    最后,外教问我喜欢什么电影,我说:" The Astronaut 's Wife".

    外教又问:" About what?"

    我故意压低语调,凑过头去说:"This movie is telling the aliens attack the mankind. It is a horror movie."

    老外睁大眼睛: "You are a special girl."

    Aha. I win.



          本文标题:从容記Mar.19 |  Be a special girl
