PART 1 Summary
On Writing Well is a craft book.
Principles 第一节 The Transaction
Rewriting is the essence of writing.
第二节 Simplicity
Simplify, simplify. Clear thinking becomes clear writing; one can't exist without the other.
Writing is hard work.
PART 2 Expressions
Fear of writing gets planted in American schoolchildren at an early age, especially children of scientific or technical or mechanical bent.
bent 这里的意思是(某方面的)天赋,爱好
~ (for sth) a natural skill or interest in sth
例句:She has a bent for mathematics.她有数学天赋。
bent on sth下决心,决定做某事(尤其坏事)
例句:He's bent on suicide.他执意要自杀。
“Not if I can help it,” I replied.
这句话根据语境翻译了。这里可以理解 我尽可能避免 或 如果我能控制得住就不会;
----can help ◇ If you can help something, you can prevent it from happening.
Can I help it [=is it my fault] if no one listens to my advice?
There will be no more layoffs. At least not if I can help it. [=if I can prevent it; if it is up to me]
Don't make him angry than you can help.尽量不要把他惹得发了脾气。
---- sb can (not) help (doing) sth | ◘ sb can not help but do sth
• used to say that it is impossible to prevent or avoid sth
例句:She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.她不禁琢磨着他在想些什么。
例句:It couldn't be helped. 这是不可避免的。
I had no inkling of the electronic marvels that would soon revolutionize the act of writing.
inkling (对正在或即将发生的事的)略知
~ (of sth) | ~ (that...) a slight knowledge of sth that is happening or about to happen
【SYN】 suspicion, clue, conception, hint, idea, indication, intimation, notion, suggestion, whisper
例句:He had no inkling of what was going on.他对正在发生的事情一无所知。
»The first inkling I had that something was wrong was when I found the front door wide open.
PART 3 Thoughts
前言提到了科技的发达,电子写作工具越来越多,让写作变得更容易,但是作者说技术再怎么革命也不会让人写得更好。因为写作需要的仍然是原来那种纯粹的艰深的思考,就像E.B.怀特在船屋里所做的那样。作者提到一本书The Elements of Style,两个作家梭罗,E.B.怀特。
孤独而辛苦 Writing wasn't easy and wasn't fun. It was hard and lonely.
将写作看成一种爱好,从中可以得到很多快乐。It was tremendous fun.
“This is the personal transaction that's at the heart of good nonfiction writing. Out of it come two of the most important qualities that this book will go in search of :humanity and warmth.”
这句话的personal(在词典中查到有人际的,个性的意思) transaction,这里个人理解是good nonfiction writing是一项个性化的事务,也是个人交往的媒介。