There aren't any rules about how you write, only that you write every day. Just write and don't stop until you hit that magic number of 1,666 words.
My Goal and my failure
The result of my taxation just came out. I just got the credit. It's not as good as my expectation. My initial goal of this term is HD (high distinction). But everything changed since I failed my second assignment which is the case analysis and citation.
One very big problem is my understanding. Or I have to say is my comprehension. As a second language is English people, it could be my internal excuses for my understanding. However, one of a colleague who also lived in the same city as me several years ago, he got an HD for the same subject and in the top ranking university when he studied it.
What a shame of myself? All excuses were found for covering my pain. I want to escape my pain from the bottom heart.
But this is not the result I wished. I want to be a professional. I want to be smarter. So I need to learn and conquer my so many weakness and my gaps. I need to help myself up. I pick up a book called Make it Stick to review my study. Maybe I found a problem during the time I read it: absent-minded. When I read it, I didn't concentrate but also watching TV drama.
So it looks I am reading something and learning something, but the action doesn't have too much benefit on myself. The absentminded also didn't let me think and grow, especially for the deep thought. Looking back, I didn't spend too much time on my study though. I didn't put too much effort into my study. Everything comes so easy. So I got an effortless score.
I clean up my mind, and re-start to do it:
One time with doing a thing. Sometimes I can make some noisy such as BGM for focus purpose but I must know which one is essential and urgent.
The clear goal for clear mind. Then spend time on it and focus it.