如何缓解难民危机 1

如何缓解难民危机 1

作者: 史妍 | 来源:发表于2018-12-04 12:15 被阅读126次


    一. 标题及摘要

    How to alleviate the refugee crisis

    Our response to the plight of refugees in the coming year will be the measure of our humanity, writes Angelina Jolie, actor and special envoy of the UNHCR

    I. 内容总结:

    标题为 How to alleviate the refugee crisis(如何缓解难民危机)是演员兼联合国难民署亲善大使的 Angelia Jolie 在 The Wolrd in 2019 的特别板块 Open Future 中的一篇文章。

    摘要中提取了Angelia Jolie的观点:未来一年如何应对难民问题将反映出我们的为人之道。


    II. 语言学习:

    1. alleviate: to make something less severe。它的同义词是 ease,也可以用 ease off 或 ease up 表达“减轻、放松”。例如:

    (1) I went to bed early to alleviate my headache.

    (2) After 9 o'clock the traffic eases off.

    2. plight (of sth): a very bad situation (of sth) 

    表达日益恶化的空气污染问题是导致哮喘患者越来越多的原因,就可以说:The worsening plight of air pollution is cause for mounting asthma patients.

    3. in the coming year: in the next year

    如果自己写作,我的第一反应会使用后者。而从文中可以体会到 in the coming year 令人更有紧迫感,强调了在即将到来的一年,解决难民问题迫在眉睫。

    二. 正文第1段

    THE NUMBER of refugees worldwide has climbed for six consecutive years. Some 68m people are now displaced by violence and persecution—equal to a fifth of the population of America, nearly half that of Russia and more than the entire population of Britain.

    I. 内容总结:




    II. 语言学习:

    1. climb 用作攀升特别形象,可以完美替换 rise, increase, go up 等。除此以外,表达“越来越多的”除了用 more and more 和 increasing 还可以用 mounting,同样很有画面感。

    2. some 68m people 大约6800万人,即 some 可以代替 about 表示大约。例如,这个夏天我减了大约10斤,就可以说:I was losing some 5 kilograms during this summer.

    3. equal to: 看到它就想到每日一词中曾出现过的 the equivalent of,这种换位思维的表达很容易让读者产生共鸣。例如:The price of this cell phone is equal to half my monthly income.

    4. 三个类比 equal to a fifth of the population of America, nearly half that of Russia and more than the entire population of Britain 中,that 指代前面的 population,表示将近俄罗斯人口的一半,有效地避免了重复。

    5. entire: whole。除了用 all of 和 whole 来表达全部的、整个的,entire也是一个非常好用的词。例如表达全家都支持他就可以说:The entire family is right behind him.

    三. 正文第2段

    At the same time, humanitarian support is chronically underfunded. As of September 2018 the United Nations’ refugee agency, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and its partners had received just 31% of the funds they needed to provide basic assistance to millions of Syrian refugees and displaced people. The same dire situation exists elsewhere too, with less than half the amount of humanitarian funds needed in the vast majority of conflict-affected countries. If nothing is done, this trend of growing numbers and scarce resources will continue, with severe consequences, in 2019.

    I. 内容总结:





    II. 语言学习:

    1. chronical 和 chronic 都可以表示长期的、慢性的,例如慢性支气管炎就可以说 chronic bronchitis。而另一个长得很像的词 chronological 表示按时间顺序的。此外,文中用 chronically underfunded 表示长期资金不足,类似的表达还有 nutritionally unsound 营养不良。

    2. as of 表示“到……为止”。至今怯场的问题都困扰这我,就可以说:As of today stage fright still bothers me.

    3. the vast majority of 绝大多数。例如:For the vast majority of university graduates, getting a job is nothing to worry about.

    4. conflict-affected 指受冲突影响的,这种组合词非常简洁、好用,平时在阅读时可以注意收集。



          本文标题:如何缓解难民危机 1
