一、第9段:This strategy will take vision and persistence and strength. Not the parody of strength involved in tough talk against refugees, but the resolve, will and diplomatic skill needed to negotiate peace settlements, stabiliseinsecure countries and uphold the rule of law.
(1)not ...but... 这不是...,而是...
(2)uphold verb. 拥护;支持;维护 If you uphold something such as a law, a principle, or a decision, you support and maintain it.
在平常写作时,常常需要用到关于支持的词,我们会用support, follow等词,现在我们又知道了一个 uphold,可以用在如:Our policy has been to uphold the law.
二、第10段:A refugee is a man, woman or child at their most vulnerable:forced from their home, living without the protection of their state, and in many cases without the bare means of survival. It is the human condition that tests our belief that all human beings have equal rights and deserve protection.
(1)in many cases :在许多情况下 这个短语可以替代 often, in many ways 等表达大多数状况的词。
例如:In many cases, men tend to be more active for creating opportunities than women.
(2)means noun.办法 method of doing sth 可以用来替代way,method等词
例子:必要的方法 necessary means 我们会尽可以实现目标 We will use every possible means to achieve our objective.
三、第11段: We live in divisive times. However, history also shows our ability to unite, overcome a global crisis and renew our sense of purpose and community with other nations. That is the greatest strength of an open society.
(1)show 显示出, 表露 平常我们写作时,当要描述展示能力时,通常会用 have the ablity.本文使用show our ability, 表达更加自然生动。
(2)renew verb. 更新,重新开始 可以重新开始一个活动,一个工作、之前执行的事情等等。
例子:He renewed his attack on goverment policy towards Europe.他重新开始对政府的欧洲政策进行抨击。
四、第12段:In 2019 we should not leave the debate to those who wouldexploit public anxiety for political advantage. We are being tested today. Ourresponse will be the measure of our humanity.
(1)debate 1.noun discusion 争论 文中使用了leave the debate to ...,debate作为名词。平常还可以说:There has been heated debate about the topic in his class.
2.verb discuss faily formally 相对正式的讨论 有时和discuss可以替换,只不过debate 会偏正式。例如:This issue is still being hotly debated(discussed).
(2)exploit verb 剥削;利用
平时我们在说利用什么的时候,喜欢使用use,take advantage of ,或 make use of 现在我们学习到exploit, 我们可以这样使用:He pursued his own interest, cynically exploiting his privileged position as trustee.他不顾别人,利用自己作为受托人的特权地位追求个人利益。