101 Life Goals (v1.2007.06.04)

101 Life Goals (v1.2007.06.04)

作者: 养大喵 | 来源:发表于2017-06-04 17:08 被阅读0次

    开这篇文章是因为, 它是我101个Life Goals中的一个Goal: "Start a Blog account and publish weekly post for a year"。


    想着想着,我就发现多数的人并没有Life Goals, 我深深的挖掘了一下,可能是因为不敢做大梦,小梦做起来没意思。我说我的梦想是世界和平,可能不如说我的梦想是跟薛之谦一起保卫世界和平。当你还是nobody的时候,说任何dream都会被笑话成dreamer。那你就不做梦了么?



    我也是浑浑噩噩过了这N多年,过的也一直不错,从来懒得思考深刻的难的问题,但是我决定从2017年6月1日开始,以后的人生稍微深刻一点,给自己点儿难度。于是就有了我的101 Life Goals。

    给大家分享每个方面的几个Goals,希望能够inspire you.

    Understand Life Better Goals

    * Make my first Life goals list with at list 30 goals which covers healthy, career, parenting. [Archived by Jun 4]

    * Review and update my life goal list every 3 month

    * there are more

    Health Goals

    * Weight 100

    * Go to bed before 11 pm each day

    * Get up before 7 am each day

    * there are more

    Career Goals; Wealth Goals

    * I'm too shy to share them publicly

    Family Goals

    * Bi-annual international family vacation 

    * 30 mins parenting each day when I’m at home

    * there are more

    Exploring Goals like travel, reading and try new things

    * Travel throughout Australia

    * Visit all the museums in Beijing

    * Read 50 Books a year

    * Get a new Skill each year

    * there are more

    My 101 Life Goal

    * Write another 101 Life Goals



        本文标题:101 Life Goals (v1.2007.06.04)
