2020-08-06 Self-actualisation sh

2020-08-06 Self-actualisation sh

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2020-08-07 21:26 被阅读0次

    The desire to be the most that one can be; is a primal need. We all yearn to fulfil our potential and be the best version of ourselves.
    It is so easy to get swept away by the mundanities of life. We are focussed on doing chores, working, seeing friends — then poof — all our time has mysteriously disappeared and we have been trapped in a blur of routine. Time is relative; and we have to command it with an iron first in order to live life in the direction we truly desire.
    There will always be something that needs to be done. A problem will always arise. Someone will always ask for your help. There will be an external factor that tries to deviate you from your chosen path.
    Saying no to everything that deters you from your vision is hard.
    We say we’ll do it later. We’ll ear mark it for a later date. We tell ourselves that there will be a better timing. We tell ourselves that we are busy.
    The truth is that if it was really important to us — we would make time.
    The body and mind are inexplicably attuned to each other. They work in harmony. Maslow believes healthy body; healthy mind. But is it actually healthy mind; healthy body?



          本文标题:2020-08-06 Self-actualisation sh
