1、使用Application Loader 发布时报错:Communication error.please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity.you need to have outbound access to tcp port 443.
2、unable to authenticate the package:XXX.itmsp
其中XXX处是应用的App ID, 这个是在项目》Build Settings 》Code Signing 》Release 的Any iOS SDK设置错了, 选择iPhone Distribution(一般应该都是这个名字吧)就可以了。
3、invalid provisioning profile.the provisioning profile included in the bundle is invalid.
这个把下载的ios_distribution.cer 这个证书安装好就可以了,囧。
4、missing required icon file. the bundle does not contain an app icon for iphone/ipod touch of exactly '120 120' pixels, in .png format for ios versions >= 7.0
5、new apps and app updates submitted to the app store must be built with public(GM) versions of Xcode 5.1.1 or higher and iOS 7 SDK. Do not submit apps built with beta software.
6、添加新的调试设备时:a valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.
因为我之前打包的时候在Project中将Code Signing Identity中将Provisioning设置成了发布证书(iPhone Distribution),切换成调试证书(iPhone Develop)就行了
7、提交后iTunes Connect 中显示:Build XX does not contain the correct beta entitlement.
先退出xcode,把 ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles 下面的全删了,然后去https://developer.apple.com/membercenter,进去把所有provision files删了重新建 ,然后重新导入到xcode中,相关证书最好也重新弄一下。