

作者: 新心断点 | 来源:发表于2018-04-12 12:39 被阅读0次

    Walkin' the boogie: blues music

    ① A fusion of African musical customs, African-American work songs, folk music and spirituals, the blues sound emerged from the Deep South in the late 19th century.

    ② Since then it has inspired a variety of styles, from boogie-woogie to R&B.

    ③ In Chicago, which attracted a large black population during the Great Migration, the blues was amplified with electric guitars, saxophones, piano, drums and harmonica.

    ④ An exhibition at the Chicago History Museum, opening today, explores the musical form, its legacy and how it "reflected the realities of a new life that was taking shape in the Midwest metropolis".

    ⑤ Raeburn Flerlage's photographs capture the scene in the 1950s and 1960s, with intimate portraits of performers such as Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf and Little Walter.

    ⑥ Visitors can design an album cover or learn the basic chords; for the most ambitious, there's a chance to write and perform a blues song.

    ⑦ Good luck trying to better "Hoochie Coochie Man".


    fusion /ˈfju:ʒ(ə)n/: n. 融合

    custom /ˈkʌstəm/: n. 风俗;习俗

    spiritual /ˈspɪrɪtjʊəl/: n.(美国南部黑人基督徒的)圣歌

    emerge /ɪˈməːdʒ/: vi. 出现;涌现

    the Deep South: 指美国内战前种植棉花和保留奴隶制度的州

    inspire /ɪnˈspʌɪə/: vt. 启发

    boogie-woogie: n. 低音连奏爵士乐(布鲁斯的一种音乐形式,炫技较多)

    R&B:(rhythm and blues)节奏蓝调(布鲁斯的另一种音乐形式)

    the Great Migration /mʌɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n/ : 大迁徙

    amplify /ˈamplɪfʌɪ/: vt. 扩大

    saxophone /ˈsaksəfəʊn/: 萨克斯风

    harmonica /hɑ:ˈmɒnɪkə/: 口琴

    take shape:(逐渐)成型

    metropolis /mɪˈtrɒp(ə)lɪs/: n. 大都市

    capture /ˈkaptʃə/: vt. 捕捉;获得

    capture the scene: 捕捉场景

    intimate: adj. 私密的;亲密的

    intimate portrait: 私密肖像

    good luck doing/with: 祝好运

    better /ˈbɛtə/: vt. 超过;超越

    better oneself: 提升自己

    better the lot of working classes: 改善工人阶级的命运



