

作者: leiyulingling | 来源:发表于2018-08-13 23:40 被阅读0次


DataSources Type-safe data-driven List-UI Framework. (We can also use ASCollectionNode)
Disk Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
UserDefaultsStore Why not use UserDefaults to store Codable objects
Cache.swift 一款简单、易用的缓存库。支持 MemoryCache, DiskCache 以及前两项组合的 MultiCache。
Cache.swift Nothing but Cache。
AwesomeCache.swift Delightful on-disk cache (written in Swift)。
Track.swift 基于文件系统和链表的 Cache。分为 Disk 和 Memory,线程安全,支持 LRU 淘汰,性能尚可。
JSQCoreDataKit A swifter Core Data stack ​​
Sync ​​ Modern Swift JSON synchronization to Core Data ​​
AlecrimCoreData A powerful and simple Core Data wrapper framework written in Swift. ​​
AERecord Super awesome Core Data wrapper in Swift. ​​
Graph An elegant data-driven framework for CoreData in Swift. ​​
JSQCoreDataKit A swifter Core Data stack ​​
DATAStack 100% Swift Simple Boilerplate Free Core Data Stack. NSPersistentContainer. ​​
Cadmium A complete swift framework that wraps CoreData and helps facilitate best practices. ​​
realm-cocoa 一个号称要代替Core Data & SQLite的用于移动端的数据库 ,同时支持Objective-C
RealmIncrementalStore.swift RealmIncrementalStore.swift:集 Realm 数据库和 CoreData 对象模型两者优势的 Realm 数据库访问类库。
Breeze 用Swift写的一个轻量级的CoreData管理工具,并且还支持iCloud 。
AlecrimCoreData Swift,更容易地访问 CoreData 对象封装类库。除了 CRUD,还提供指针定位,强大的排序、筛选,异步数据获取,以及独立线程后台存取数据。
SQLite.swift 纯swift实现的类型安全的SQLite3封装,数据存储和JSON解析是永恒的话题。
fluent.swift 纯swift实现的类型安全的SQLite3封装,数据存储和JSON解析是永恒的话题。
swiftydb 是一个第三方 SQLite 工具,能够大大简化数据库操作。如果你不放心 Realm,那就用 SwiftyDB 吧。使用教程 demo
Graph.swift 设计新颖、使用简单基于 Core Data 的数据驱动框架库 (作者Daniel Dahan)。
SwiftStore Key-Value store for Swift backed by LevelDB ​​
Prephirences Prephirences is a Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, configurations and app-state. ​​
SwiftyUserDefaults Statically-typed NSUserDefaults. ​​
SugarRecord Data persistence management library written in Swift 3.0 ​​
SQLite.swift A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3. ​​
GRDB.swift A versatile SQLite toolkit for Swift, with WAL mode support ​​
Fluent Simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database in Swift. ​​
YapDatabaseExtensions YapDatabase extensions for use with Swift ​​
SwiftMongoDB A MongoDB interface for Swift ​​
SwiftStore Key-Value store for Swift backed by LevelDB ​​
MongoDB A Swift wrapper around the mongo-c client library, enabling access to MongoDB servers. Part of the
SQLite A Swift wrapper around the SQLite 3 client library, enabling access to SQLite servers. Part of the
PersistDB Projection-based Database Persistence in Swift
Perfect project, but stand-alone. SPM and Swift 3 support
MySQL A Swift wrapper around the MySQL client library, enabling access to MySQL servers. Part of the
Redis A Swift wrapper around the Redis client library, enabling access to Redis. Part of the
PostgreSQL A Swift wrapper around the libpq client library, enabling access to PostgreSQL servers. Part of the
FileMaker A Swift wrapper around the FileMaker XML Web publishing interface, enabling access to FileMaker servers. Part of the
AppFolder Never use NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains again
EllipticCurveKeyPair Sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt using the Secure Enclave



