Day5 Homework ~

Day5 Homework ~

作者: 花落南山_ | 来源:发表于2017-03-03 20:23 被阅读0次
Extra Vocabulary and Phrase of Chapter Two of A Brief History of Time


1.explicitly:very clear and complete, leaving no doubt about the meaning, showing or referring very openly to nudity, violence, or sexual activity

eg: Therefore, you need to include these in your source files explicitly.

2.unambiguously:so as to be unique

eg:Semantic interoperability indicates the meaning of data can be comprehended unambiguously by both humans and computer programs, and that information can be processed in a meaningful way.

3.radius:a line segment extending from the center of a circle or sphere to thecircumference or bounding surface

eg:In their model, the radius is the distance from the centre of the animal to its skin.

4.ripple:a small wave on the surface of a liquid

eg:The air was so still that there was hardly a ripple on the pond’s surface.

5.instantaneously: happening in an instant

eg: Meanwhile, comments online were translated using software created by Google, allowing users to write in their own language before seeing it translated into six others instantaneously.

6.velocity:distance travelled per unit time

eg:The parameters involved in this essay includes mass ratio, initial relative impact velocity, absolute mass and relative acceleration.

7.warp: a twist or curve in something that is usually flat or straight

eg:The window was warped by the dampness and it wouldn't shut.

8.rotate:turn on or around an axis or a center

eg:In this example, you rotate a square on its center, but do not fill the square.

9.elongate:make long or longer by pulling and stretching

eg:Her body slimmed and elongated from dancing.

10.leaning tower of Pisa

    laws of motion/gravity/relativity



      本文标题:Day5 Homework ~
