
作者: 小聪明李良才 | 来源:发表于2017-01-23 22:46 被阅读656次

    本文是Distributed systems for fun and profit的第三部分,本文是阅读该文后的一些记录。

    Time and order


    What is order and why is it important?

    为什么我们要关心是否 A happened before B?


    the art of solving the same problem that you can solve on a single computer using multiple computers.

    在单机系统中,传统的模式是: a single program, one process, one memory space running on one CPU。我们做了很多努力来给编程者提供一种简单的编程模型,一种顺序执行的模型,让程序实际执行的顺序就是代码的顺序。

    但是我们一旦来到分布式环境中,我们却发现再也没有这种简单的编程模型了,程序实际执行的顺序你忽然间就无法预测了,因为每个节点时钟不是严格同步的,当然你可以去用复杂的技术来实现所有节点的时钟同步,然后给予每个操作一个时间戳,从而得到一个全局的total order;另一个思路是通过一个communication system,给每个操作都编号,从而得到一个顺序,但是就像我们之前说的一样,在分布式系统中,通信是不可靠的,您不可能确定的知道另外一个节点的状态,我们可以看到以上两种方法都很难。

    Total and partial order

    在分布式环境中一种常见的状态是:partial order,即部分有,在集合中不是任意两个元素都是可比较的。

    Total 和 partial order 都满足 自反性和传递性。

    If a ≤ b and b ≤ a then a = b


    If a ≤ b and b ≤ c then a ≤ c


    total order还满足:

    a ≤ b or b ≤ a (totality) for all a, b in X

    即所有集合中的元素都是有序的,而partial order则:

    a ≤ a (reflexivity) for all a in X


    在单机系统中,所有的指令和消息的执行都是可预测的,是有一个total order的,因此程序的行为是可预测的,但是在分布式系统中想要实现total order,代价是巨大的,因为

    communication is expensive, and time synchronization is difficult and fragile

    What is time?

    Time is a source of order - it allows us to define the order of operations- which coincidentally also has an interpretation that people can understand (a second, a minute, a day and so on).


    Timestamps really are a shorthand value for representing the state of the world from the start of the universe to the current moment - if something occurred at a particular timestamp, then it was potentially influenced by everything that happened before it.


    此处有个大前提,所有的时间都以相同的速率前行着,time and timestamps在程序中应用的时候,有3个常用的解释:

    • Order
    • Duration
    • Interpretation

    当我说:time is a source of order,我指的是:

    • we can attach timestamps to unordered events to order them【通过给事件安排一个时间戳,从而给事件排序】
    • we can use timestamps to enforce a specific ordering of operations or the delivery of messages (for example, by delaying an operation if it arrives out of order)【我们可以通过时间戳给操作重新排序】
    • we can use the value of a timestamp to determine whether something happened chronologically before something else【通过时间戳知道哪个事件发生在前】

    Interpretation - time as a universally comparable value.


    Duration - durations measured in time have some relation to the real world.


    Does time progress at the same rate everywhere?


    • "Global clock": yes
    • "Local clock": no, but
    • "No clock": no!


    • the synchronous system model has a global clock,
    • the partially synchronous model has a local clock, and
    • in the asynchronous system model one cannot use clocks at all


    Time with a "global-clock" assumption


    在实际系统中,如果我们假设有个global-clock,即每个节点的时钟都是同步的,那么我们可以通过timestamps都就可以得到一个total order,但是在系统间维持时钟同步是非常难的,我们只能做到一定的范围内的同步。


    • Facebook's Cassandra:通过时间戳来解决冲突
    • Google's Spanner:时间戳+偏差范围来定义顺序

    Time with a "Local-clock" assumption


    events on each system are ordered but events cannot be ordered across systems by only using a clock.


    Time with a "No-clock" assumption

    不在使用时间戳,而是使用counter,通过传递消息来交换counter,从而定义不同机器之间的事件的前后顺序,比较有名的论文就是:time, clocks and the ordering of events

    How is time used in a distributed system?


    1. Time can define order across a system (without communication)
    2. Time can define boundary conditions for algorithms


    • where correctness depends on (agreement on) correct event ordering, for example serializability in a distributed database【正确性依赖于事件的顺序】
    • order can be used as a tie breaker when resource contention occurs, for example if there are two orders for a widget, fulfill the first and cancel the second one【当发生资源争用的时候可以用来做裁决】


    时间除了用来确定时序外,还能定义算法的边界,特别是可以区分 high latency 和 server or network link is down,而用来探测它俩区别的算法就是:failure detectors。

    Failure detectors (time for cutoff)




    A failure detector is a way to abstract away the exact timing assumptions. Failure detectors are implemented using heartbeat messages and timers. Processes exchange heartbeat messages. If a message response is not received before the timeout occurs, then the process suspects the other process.

    而failure detector是一个解决方案,通过心挑信息来探测存活性。



